"Pulp Fiction" is a critically acclaimed crime film released in 1994. It was wri...
"The Big Lebowski" is a movie directed by Joel and Ethan Coen and was released i...
"Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" is a movie directed by Tomas Alfredson and was relea...
"Blue Valentine" is a movie directed by Derek Cianfrance and was released in 201...
"The Neon Demon" is a movie directed by Nicolas Winding Refn and was released in...
"Professor Marston and the Wonder Women" is a movie directed by Angela Robinson ...
"Vicky Cristina Barcelona" is a movie directed by Woody Allen and was released i...
"Good Kisser" is a movie directed by Wendy Jo Carlton and was released in 2019. ...
The Handmaiden (2016) is a critically acclaimed movie directed by Park Chan-wook...
My Policeman is a romantic drama movie that follows the lives of Tom and Marion,...
Breaking the Girls is a 2012 thriller movie that tells the story of a group of w...
The movie "Secretary" is a critically acclaimed drama film that was released in ...
American Swing is a 2008 documentary film directed by Jon Hart and Mathew Kaufma...
Afternoon Delight is a 2013 American comedy-drama film directed by Jill Soloway....
The Hateful Eight (2015) is a critically acclaimed American western thriller dir...
Love and Basketball is a 2000 romantic drama film written and directed by Gina P...