Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (2017)

"Professor Marston and the Wonder Women" is a movie directed by Angela Robinson and was released in 2017. The movie tells the story of William Moulton Marston, a Harvard psychologist who, together with his wife Elizabeth, created the iconic superhero character Wonder Woman. The movie explores their unconventional love story and the psychological theories that inspired the creation of the character.

Apr 23, 2023 - 16:36
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Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (2017)

Plot Summary

The movie opens with William Moulton Marston being questioned by the Child Study Association of America about the sexual content of his comic books. He tells the story of how he and his wife Elizabeth met and fell in love while he was teaching at Harvard. They both become interested in the psychological theories of human behavior and begin a research project together with their student, Olive Byrne.

As their research progresses, William, Elizabeth, and Olive become involved in a polyamorous relationship. The movie explores the dynamics of their relationship and the societal taboos that they confront. The three of them share a deep bond, but their relationship is complicated by external pressures and societal norms.

As the story unfolds, the characters navigate their desires and confront the complexities of their relationships. They draw inspiration from their experiences to create the iconic superhero character Wonder Woman, who embodies the feminist ideals that they hold dear.


"Professor Marston and the Wonder Women" features a talented cast of actors who bring their characters to life. Luke Evans plays William Moulton Marston, a Harvard psychologist who, together with his wife Elizabeth, creates the iconic superhero character Wonder Woman. Rebecca Hall plays Elizabeth Marston, William's wife and research partner. Bella Heathcote plays Olive Byrne, their student who becomes involved in their polyamorous relationship.


"Professor Marston and the Wonder Women" explores a variety of themes, including love, desire, and the societal taboos that surround unconventional relationships. The movie is a powerful exploration of the ways in which we navigate our desires and the consequences that come with pursuing them. Additionally, the movie is a compelling examination of the emotional and psychological challenges that come with navigating complex human relationships.

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