Anne Wintour revealed her diet plan!

The Anne Wintour line has not changed since her young days, and she has been sticking to her diet plan for decades.

May 28, 2022 - 07:21
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Anne Wintour revealed her diet plan!

The Anne Wintour line has not changed since her young days, and she has been sticking to her diet plan for decades.So, here’s what her diet plan looks like on a typical day.


Anna’s breakfast comes somewhere between exercise and starting work in the office and it usually includes scrambled eggs with salmon. For a fashion journalist and the editor of the most famous magazine, that doesn't sound like much, but we assume that she eats a reasonable portion in order to get the necessary energy for the day.

She talked about avoiding carbs most of the day, which means she avoids toast or cereal in the morning. Oh, and before everything, she stops at Starbucks on the way to work for a morning drink.


A steak or hamburger without a bun and sauce is her frequent afternoon meal, and her goal is to support a protein-rich diet. She will also add a bowl of salad to get some of the important fiber and other micronutrients .


Due to the larger meal during the day, Anne Wintour’s diet does not include a significant meal in the evening. It is usually a high-protein snack that may include lean beef or fish. She occasionally indulges in iced coffee or a small portion of ice cream, but given her physical appearance, it’s not that often.

As we know, lunchtime is when she is in her office. 'In fact, Wintour's lunch, after Condé Nast moved offices to 1 World Trade Center, was a steak and Caprese tomato-free salad from a nearby Palm restaurant.' Amy Odell stated.

A strange lunch order like this is something Wintour would have reportedly ordered five to six years ago but luckily it is still available on the menu at Palm in Tribeca.

According to Grub Street, a meal plus a tip costs $ 77.33, and that is more than today’s lunch of the average worker.

‘Lunch would usually be taken over by her assistant,’ Odell explained, adding that lunch arrives in a ceramic plate provided by the restaurant and then the assistant would return it again. Everything seems to be organized down to the smallest detail.