Everyone is talking about the shocking series ‘Squid Game’, and Koreans are now complaining that a lot has been lost in a bad translation
Among the most popular titles of the series at the moment is the South Korean thriller series 'Squid Game', which came out on Netflix a couple of weeks ago and is being talked about more and more.

Some subtitles of the ‘Squid Game’ series have changed the meaning of the show for English-speaking viewers, say some Korean-speaking fans of the series. The Korean-language drama is about a world where people in debt compete in a bizarre series of survival games for money.
But Korean Youngmi Mayer claims that the English subtitles are ‘so bad’ that the original meaning is completely lost.
‘The dialogue was so well written, but none of it was seen in the subtitles,’ Youngmi said in one of his Twitter posts.
not to sound snobby but i’m fluent in korean and i watched squid game with english subtitles and if you don’t understand korean you didn’t really watch the same show. translation was so bad. the dialogue was written so well and zero of it was preserved — youngmi mayer (@ymmayer) September 30, 2021
‘Someone said it!!! Thank you!!! I also watched it in Korean and as a multi-lingual speaker with translation and subtitling experience I just noticed a lot of messy areas and it was so basic. I also (just to see what it was like) started to watch the dubbed version- it was worse ', said another fan of the series.
Netflix has not yet responded to those comments. The controversial show everyone is talking about, which arrived on Netflix in mid-September, grabs the top of the list of the most popular series in the history of this streaming platform and threatens the seemingly untouchable 'Bridgerton'.
By: Helen B.