Hepburn and Tracy's love story
Actors Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy had a secret love story for almost 30 years. In the same time he didn't left his wife as well.

The Golden Age of Hollywood, in addition to film classics, has left behind many untold love stories.
The main actors of one of them are Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy.
Although they have been together for 26 years, we can say that they have never been in the public. Namely, their relationship was a public secret. Tracy was a traditional Catholic of Irish roots and he could not bear the remorse. With his wife Louise, he had two children. In addition, their son John was born deaf. Spencer looked as it was a punishment for his sins which led him to distance himself more and more from his family. Although the actor was a famous adulterer, he did not leave his wife even because of the diva Hepburn.
"Why the hell don't you find a man to marry and start a family with?" When you grow old, you will be alone, ' said director Clarence Brown to the actress, but she answered him briefly and clearly. 'Yes, and I will remember these fun times. '
The actor had affairs with many women, and even Katherine, who knew he would not leave his wife because of her, was not faithful when they started seeing each other.
"I was completely independent and I never wanted to get married, I just wanted to go my own way ," the actress once said.
Although Tracy never divorced, in the last years of his life he was cared for by Katherine. She took a five-year break from her career because of him. It was only then that they first began living together. Even when he passed away she was with him, but out of respect for his family, she didn't go to the funeral.
And just after his death, a very interesting situation occurred. Namely, Katherine decided to call his wife, now a widow and offered her to be friends. "But I thought you were just gossip," Louise told her at the time, which knocked Hepburn out of step.
'After almost 30 years, gossip? It was a deep wound. Spencer and I have known each other for almost 30 years, sharing good and bad. Some gossip ... By never admitting that I existed, she remained his wife. She sent Christmas cards. Spencer - the culprit. She is a victim. I didn't break up their marriage, it happened long before I even came, ' Hepburn wrote in her autobiography' Me: Stories of My Life '
'Why was I with him all this time? Honestly, I don't know. I can only say that I could never leave him. The years just flew by and they were perfectly happy for me, ' she said in an interview.
They starred in nine films together, and first met on the 1962 set of ‘Woman of the Year’ when they embodied journalists who fall in love and try to maintain a balance between private life and career commitment. At the time, Tracy was 41, and Katharine was 34. She immediately said she considered him irresistible.
They had amazing chemistry on the small screens and the audience simply fell in love with their films. The flames were not extinguished in other films in which they appeared together, as well as in the last 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner' from 1967, after which the actor passed away.
Tracy never made his feelings for Hepburn clear, and they were rarely seen together in public.