Kathy Griffin on Trump incident
When the incident with Trump happened, and still that quarantine situation, I started taking pills all day. At one point, I wrote a farewell message and took about 100 pills, says the comedian

American comedian, Kathy Griffin (61) spoke about her struggle with addiction and mental health due to the fight against cancer.
During an interview with The View, she admitted that she hit rock bottom in June 2020 and tried to take her own life with pills. She fell into a deeper addiction because of the closure caused by the coronavirus pandemic, but also because she felt a large number of people were angry at her for her controversial photomontage in which she holds the severed head of former President Donald Trump.
- I became addicted to pills. I was really addicted to prescription pills. I probably started abusing them a few years before the incident with Trump, I don't blame him for that -
she admitted, adding that her addiction to pills is worse than fighting cancer.
She also admitted during the interview that she wanted to take her own life.
- When the incident with Trump happened, and the quarantine situation, I started taking pills all day. A voice popped into my head saying, 'You shouldn't be here anymore. It was good, but now is the time to go. ' I had this fantasy that my husband would find someone wonderful, who suited him better. I wrote a farewell message and took about 100 pills - she said openly.
After taking the pills, she woke up and realized she needed to go to the hospital. She called her husband Randy Bick who took her to the hospital, where she admitted she tried to commit suicide.
- I've never fainted before. I had lacerations and injuries to myself - she says.
In the end, she admitted that her mental health is in a much better condition today. She says she has been laughing all along since she survived.
- I walk around all day giggling because I feel like something missed me by a hair, so now I'm just laughing at everything, and I'm somehow happier, but I'm always scared - she concluded.