Questions we should know the answer to in our thirties

Many will agree that the thirties are a turning point. By then we’ve already made some mistakes, made some private and business decisions.

Mar 23, 2022 - 15:47
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Questions we should know the answer to in our thirties

Many will agree that the thirties are a turning point. By then we’ve already made some mistakes, made some private and business decisions and it seems like it’s time for the first mini ‘inventory’ of life. The twenties are years of experimenting, questioning, asking questions, but in the thirties, we should all already know some answers.

We are still young and at the peak of our strength, we are learning, we are progressing, but unlike in the twenties, we are more confident, we have found what drives us and makes us happy, and we have detected false friends and stress triggers. We bring questions about personal satisfaction, happiness, a mini inventory that will give us guidance for the future.

1. Do I live the life I want?
In our twenties, we dreamed, and in our thirties, we can already conclude whether we are living the life we ​​wanted. 

2. Do I want to do this job in 10 years? And while we’re all experimenting with jobs in our twenties, we realize are we enjoying our job and have we found ourselves in it?

3. What makes us happy?

Those are the years when we know what we want and what we don’t. What we enjoy and what causes us stress.

4. Do I want a family or not? It's never too late for this, but these are the years when most people realize what they (don't) want in private life.

5. Is this the city I want to live in?
If you haven’t wondered before, these are certainly the years when twists are made and we know the answer to whether a city is to our liking or not. We probably also have a vision of which city we could live in.

6. What has been the happiest moment of my life so far?
Although many more wonderful moments await us, by the thirties, everyone had experienced at least one moment of absolute happiness.

7. Am I a good daughter / good son?
During this period we begin to respect our parents, there should be no more rebellion, we begin to understand some of their actions, and we should be aware of whether we are kind enough to them and give them confidence that they can rely on us.

8. Am I influenced by the opinions of others?

Although we are aware that the opinions of some people will always mean a lot to us, and that they will shape our behavior and influence our feelings, the opinions of others should have stopped affecting us a long time ago.

9. Should I feel guilty for ‘cleaning up’ some people from my life?

Most of us have learned that without remorse we simply need to get away from people who are ‘vacuum cleaners’ of good energy and who have a bad effect on us.

10. Who are the friends I can't live without?
After probably all of us at this age have done the first ‘revision’ of friendships we surely know who are our friends without whom we can’t live.

11. Do I pay enough attention to my body?
In these years, we are all looking for solutions, no longer to look more attractive, but more importantly to feel better and be healthier. We know that caring for the body is an investment in a healthy future.

12. Do I know how to stand up for myself?
The self-confidence that comes with age gives us the strength to raise our voices and stand up for ourselves.

13. Is it too late to change?
We definitely know now that it is never too late for new challenges, changes, and new experiences, especially when we are at a kind of peak of strength.

14. Do I need someone in my life at all costs?
We know what we can tolerate and what we can’t and whether it’s better for us to be solo or in a relationship. But we are also aware of what we are looking for in a partner.

15. Is he the person I want to spend my whole life with?
If you’re with a person you hope will change and adjust, it’s time to move on. If the answer is yes, you have probably found a soul mate.