'Raging Bull' (1980)

"Raging Bull" is a 1980 American biographical sports drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Robert De Niro. It is considered to be one of the greatest movies ever made and has garnered critical acclaim for its stunning cinematography, brilliant performances, and powerful storytelling. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of "Raging Bull" and explain why it is a must-watch for every movie lover. We will also discuss its impact on the film industry and why it continues to be relevant today.

May 15, 2023 - 10:40
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'Raging Bull' (1980)

The Plot

"Raging Bull" is based on the real-life story of boxer Jake LaMotta, played by Robert De Niro. The movie follows LaMotta's journey from his early days as a promising young fighter to his eventual downfall due to personal demons and a destructive temper.

The film is not just about boxing but also explores the complex relationships between LaMotta and his family, particularly his brother Joey, played by Joe Pesci, and his wife Vickie, played by Cathy Moriarty.

The performances in the film are outstanding, particularly De Niro's portrayal of LaMotta, for which he won an Academy Award for Best Actor. The chemistry between De Niro and Pesci is also remarkable, and the two actors play off each other brilliantly.


The cinematography in "Raging Bull" is breathtaking, with each shot carefully composed and framed to convey the emotions of the characters. The use of black and white film adds to the film's gritty, realistic tone and gives it a timeless quality.

The fight scenes are particularly impressive, with Scorsese using slow motion and close-ups to capture the brutality of boxing. The sound design is also excellent, with every punch and hit feeling visceral and impactful.

Impact on the Film Industry

"Raging Bull" has had a significant impact on the film industry, inspiring countless filmmakers and actors over the years. It is widely regarded as one of Scorsese's greatest achievements and is often cited as one of the best films of all time.

The film's influence can be seen in the way it redefined the sports drama genre, paving the way for future classics like "Rocky" and "Million Dollar Baby." It also established De Niro as one of the greatest actors of his generation and helped launch Pesci's career.

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In conclusion, "Raging Bull" is a masterpiece of cinema that continues to captivate audiences today. Its powerful storytelling, outstanding performances, and stunning cinematography make it a must-watch for every movie lover.

Whether you're a fan of boxing movies, biopics, or just great cinema in general, "Raging Bull" is a film that you cannot afford to miss. It is a testament to the power of filmmaking and the enduring impact that a great movie can have on its audience.