Ricky Martin talks about the women he was with before he realized he loved men: I felt beautiful
- Sexuality is a complicated thing, not everything is black and white, but it is filled with colors. When I went out with women, I was in love with them - said Ricky Martin

One of the most successful Latino performers of all time and a great favorite of women, Ricky Martin, broke many hearts ten years ago after he openly admitted that he was gay, and his fans still have a hard time accepting that.
Namely, the 49-year-old Ricky used to go out with women and real beauties, and these days he remembered those times and stated that he never deceived anyone and that his feelings were always sincere and strong towards everyone. Namely, the musician has already been criticized and accused several times before 2010, when he spoke about his sexuality, that he was dishonest towards the women he loved.
"Sexuality is a complicated thing, not everything is black and white, but it is filled with colors. When I went out with women, I was in love with them. I felt good, I felt beautiful. You can't fake the chemistry you feel with someone, the chemistry was there with them. I did not deceive anyone - he said for "People" magazine.
Before marrying artist Jwan Yosef in 2017, Ricky was in a relationship with Carlos Gonzalez from 2008 to 2014, before that he was in a relationship with Nathan Lane, and his earlier love life was marked only by women. The list of girls he was in love with included Ines Misan, Maital Saban, Adriana Biega, Lili Melgar, Rebecca de Alba and Gabriela Sabatini.
Ricky's sexual orientation has always been a hot and interesting topic, so he was asked about it on one occasion about twenty years ago, that is, ten years before he admitted that he was gay. But then he did not feel brave enough to discover the truth and today he regrets it a little.
"Many ask me if I would do something different. Well, maybe before 2010, in an interview when I was asked about my sexual orientation, I would have discovered that I was gay. It would be great if I did it then because I would feel amazing. When it comes to my sexuality and who I am, I want to talk about what makes me, about everything I am. Because if you hide it, it's like you are between life and death," the musician said.
In the '90s, Ricky was considered one of the most desirable men for whom women around the world sighed. With his musical hits, he won top charts, as well as the hearts of fans. Until one day, more precisely in 2010, when he publicly admitted that he was gay and broke all those hearts.
Ricky and the Syrian-Swedish painter Jwan started having fun in 2016, and they confirmed their engagement in November 2017 during a guest appearance on the show of the famous comedian Ellen DeGeneres. Already in January 2018, the singer confirmed that they got married in secret.
They are still happily married and are the parents of four beautiful children they had with a help of a surrogate mother.
By: Olivia J. - Gossip Whispers