IMDb lists the most popular movies of 2022

Photo Credits: Shutterstock

IMDb lists the most popular movies of 2022

The Internet Movie Database, or IMDb, is the world's most popular movie and seri...

The Ship "Thor" - Powered By a Thorium Reactor

Photo Credits: Ulstein/Promo

The Ship "Thor" - Powered By a Thorium Reactor

Muscles pumped to perfection: Because of the photo of Chris Hemsworth, everyone wants to watch 'Extraction 2'

Photo Credits: Instagram

Muscles pumped to perfection: Because of the photo of C...

The actor already knew how to fascinate the world with his muscles, but it seems...

Thor is not the same anymore! Chris Hemsworth turned into a beast

Photo Credits: Instagram/Chris Hemsworth

Thor is not the same anymore! Chris Hemsworth turned in...

Chris Hemsworth has completely changed his appearance since the onset of the cor...