The Polka King (2017) – A Quirky and Entertaining Biopic

The Polka King is a 2017 biographical comedy-drama film directed by Maya Forbes and starring Jack Black. The movie tells the true story of Jan Lewan, a Polish immigrant and polka band leader who became involved in a Ponzi scheme in the 1990s. With its quirky humor, great performances, and catchy polka music, The Polka King is a must-watch for fans of biopics and comedy-dramas.

Apr 18, 2023 - 07:47
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The Polka King (2017) – A Quirky and Entertaining Biopic

The Story: A Crazy and Unbelievable True Story

The Polka King's story is based on the true story of Jan Lewan, a Pennsylvania polka band leader who became involved in a Ponzi scheme that defrauded his fans and friends out of millions of dollars. The movie follows Lewan's rise to fame as a polka musician, his business ventures, and the eventual downfall that led to his arrest and imprisonment.

The Characters: A Colorful Cast of Characters

The Polka King's characters are a colorful cast of characters that bring the story to life. Jack Black plays Jan Lewan, a charismatic and ambitious polka band leader who will stop at nothing to achieve his dreams. Jenny Slate plays Marla, Jan's wife and business partner, who is initially supportive of his ventures but becomes increasingly concerned about his actions. The supporting cast includes a range of quirky and entertaining characters, including Mickey, Jan's accountant and friend, and Ron, a wealthy businessman who invests in Jan's business.

The Humor: Quirky and Offbeat Comedy

The Polka King's humor is quirky and offbeat, with a touch of dark humor thrown in. The movie's comedic moments come from the absurdity of Jan Lewan's schemes and the colorful characters that populate his world. Jack Black's performance is a standout, as he brings his signature brand of humor to the role of Jan Lewan.

The Music: Catchy Polka Tunes

The Polka King's music is a highlight of the movie. The catchy polka tunes are infectious and will have viewers tapping their feet and humming along. The movie features several original songs, as well as classic polka tunes like "Who Stole the Kishka?" and "Beer Barrel Polka."

The Cinematography: Colorful and Lively

The Polka King's cinematography is colorful and lively, capturing the energy and vibrancy of Jan Lewan's world. The movie's bright and vibrant color palette is reminiscent of the colorful costumes and sets of traditional polka music performances.

The Message: The Danger of Greed and Ambition

The Polka King's message is a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and ambition. Jan Lewan's desire for success and wealth leads him down a path of deception and fraud, ultimately resulting in his downfall. The movie serves as a reminder that the pursuit of the American Dream can sometimes lead to disastrous consequences.

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The Polka King is a quirky and entertaining biopic that tells the crazy and unbelievable true story of Jan Lewan, a Pennsylvania polka band leader who became involved in a Ponzi scheme. With its great performances, catchy polka music, and colorful characters, the movie is a must-watch for fans of biopics and comedy-dramas. The movie's humor is quirky and offbeat, and the cinematography is colorful and lively. The Polka King serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and ambition and is a movie that will leave viewers entertained and thinking.