Victoria Beckham has revealed what she eats for dinner and people can't believe she can live on it

Victoria Beckham's statement that her favorite meal of all time is toast with salt left fans in disbelief. While appearing on a podcast, she admitted that it used to be the “worst nightmare” in restaurants.

Oct 1, 2021 - 10:26
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Victoria Beckham has revealed what she eats for dinner and people can't believe she can live on it

Because of this statement, dangerous criticism has started on social networks, and many are wondering why would Victoria Beckham eat something like that.

"I bet mealtime is fun in her house, pull yourself together, girl, and start living on the "edge" while eating beans" is one of the comments.

During the podcast, the former "Spice Girl" described how she prefers to eat toast with a little salt or possibly steamed vegetables with balsamic.

"It's that carbohydrate that makes you feel comfortable, and I love it," Beckham said.

In her diet, Victoria always separates foods rich in carbohydrates from those that are full of protein.

"For most restaurants, I'm probably the worst nightmare. I love steamed vegetables. I like to cook food in a very simple way. I don't like oils, butter, or sauces" she revealed.

Speaking about her unusual diet, she stated that even Gordon Ramsay, a very good friend of the Beckhams, said that he had never seen anyone so disciplined in terms of the way they eat.

"I like to have a drink during dinner and I can become a very good guest at dinner" claims Victoria.

Known for her flawless figure, she previously stated that her daily exercise has become a routine.

"I exercise every day - I see it as brushing my teeth, it's something you normally do. I usually run on the treadmill first, followed by workout according to my coach's program" she said.

Running is also her favorite cardio activity, so she runs five to seven miles almost every day. Victoria also loves yoga, so she practices it according to the yogalosophy program.

By: Sarah R.