We all love the legendary cartoon "La Linea", and here's how it was made!
Sergio Cavandoli, son of the author of "La Linea" Osvaldo Cavandoli, spoke about the famous cartoon hero.

One of the most popular cartoons is the legendary "La Linea". It saw the light of day for the first time back in 1971, and the author of this famous cartoon character is Osvaldo Cavandoli.
Our team had the opportunity to talk to his son, Sergio Cavandoli, who told us more about La Linea.
"The line ("La Linea") looks like my dad. My father always made characters that look like him, with a slightly bigger nose, because he thought he had a big nose, so that nose is present everywhere, with all the characters he made, not only with the Line" - said Sergio Cavandoli.
What is noticeable is that La Linea always has someone in the cartoon.
"In every episode, there is a hand that is actually my father's hand. Namely, it is the deus ex machina of everything that happens to the Line in the cartoon and it is often terribly annoyed because my father often teased it, he played tricks on it, he would erase its line, and the Line was quite annoyed. The Line had a lot of girls but it was never lucky with them. Not because of its character, but because those women were always a bit conceited and arrogant, and something always happened so that in the end it was left alone - said Sergio Cavandoli.
The voice of La Linea was provided by the actor Carlo Bonomy.
"He mutters something, makes some sounds, it's actually something invented by Carlo Bonomy, the actor who lent him its voice. He sometimes inserts something in the Milan dialect, rarely an Italian word, so whoever understands that then laughs. The Line and Carlo are one and the same, they cannot be separated - said Cavandoli.
Although it seems simple, making the cartoon "La Linea" is a demanding job.
"There are more than 1,500 drawings in two minutes of the cartoon. That's about 3,000 photos. Each drawing would have to be repeated twice because if it is not, then the movement would be much faster. I know that because I was a cameraman on film, I worked as a cameraman for short films about the Line to help my father when I could, so I know how hard it is" - said Cavandoli.
By: Amber V. - Gossip Whispers