What was going on at Hugh Hefner's villa?

Horrible details of orgies and rabbit abuse have surfaced! Here's the truth who indeed Hefner was. We don't know who would like to go try all of this.

Jan 18, 2022 - 14:35
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What was going on at Hugh Hefner's villa?

Playboy founder Hugh Hefner was a "vampire" who manipulated and drugged dozens of young women in order to participate in humiliating orgies. He pretended to be an advocate of sexual freedom, according to a shocking new documentary  "Playboy Secrets". The premiere of this documentary is on January 24. He will revile the dark side of Playboy, which has become a playground for drug use, sexual abuse, and even atrocities.

The series deals with the hidden truths behind Playboy with exclusive interviews with insiders, including ex-girlfriends Hugh Hefner, Holly Madison and Sondra Theodore, as well as former "Mother Bunny" PJ Masten.

Sondra, now 65, reveals that there was group sex at the villa five nights a week, which she says completely broke her. Hefner would also run weekly ‘Pig Nights’ during which he would bring in a dozen “ugly” prostitutes to have sex with their friends. VIP members of Playboy nightclubs could do whatever they wanted. 

Holly Madison, a Playboy bunny who dated Hefner for eight years, also talks about how Hefner refused to use protection during sex and how the lifestyle in the house even made her think about suicide. The series also includes interviews with Linda Lovelace, a 1970s porn star who rose to fame with Deep Throat, who says she was treated as a "piece of meat" and forced to have oral sex with a German shepherd while Hefner and his friends watched.

This documentary is a critical re-examination of the legacy of the cult Playboy publisher, who passed away in 2017 at the age of 91.

Hefner was only 27 when he launched the first issue of Playboy magazine in 1953. With Marilyn Monroe on the cover, the first edition sold more than 50,000 copies and spawned an empire that lasted for decades. By the 1970s, Playboy was selling seven million copies a month, and Hefner had opened dozens of Playboy clubs that members entered with a key. 

Yes, the real key that literally opened the front door. Hefner proclaimed himself a supporter of free sexuality and freedom of speech in the repressive post-war era. But the reaction began in the 1970s with a feminist movement that condemned his objectification of women.

According to Mickey Garcia, former director of the Playmate promotion - it was like a cult. The women were cared for and led to believe that they were part of this family. He said that Hefner really believed that he owned these women.

"We had girls who were Playmates and who overdosed, who committed suicide." he said.

One of the most moving stories comes from Sondra Theodora, a former model and actress who dated Hefner in the late 1970s and ’80s. She described how his sexual demands became nasty.

"In the end, he scared me because you couldn't satisfy him. He wanted more and more. Group sex was at least five nights a week. They had a protocol. He liked to direct, " she said.

Sondra said Hefner was a big drug user, he sent her to buy cocaine multiple times, and sex broke her completely.

"It just got ugly, I felt like I was the host of a circus show, I had to do the same show every night. Everything was always done according to the established script. A new girl came and then she was welcomed to the family. And all that was a big lie. I watched girl after girl appears, fresh-faced, cute, and their beauty just faded. We were nothing to him. Hefner was like a vampire. He sucked the life out of these girls for decades, "Sondra said.

Lisa Loving Barrett, Hefner's assistant during the late 1970s and 80s, said Hefner had a supply of a powerful sedative that actor Bill Cosby is also said to have used to drug women. Barrett said that at the Playboy villa, that drug was known as a "leg splitter" and that they considered it a "necessary evil" because it could make women do anything.
Barrett claims that Hefner would take small amounts of amphetamine Dexedrine every day to be on standby. Cocaine also was in the house and he was always in large quantities.

The drug was so available that one of Hefner's poodles became addicted to it and often licked it off the floor, Sondra claims.

The drug helped fuel the horrific "Pig Nights" that took place every Thursday, according to Stefan Tetenbaum, Hefner's valet between 1978 and 1981. Hefner would order two pimps to bring six prostitutes to the villa. Hefner thought the women were ‘pigs’, but ordered his VIP male friends not to call them that. The doctor would first examine the woman to determine that there were no diseases or infections, and then they would have sex with the guests.

Hefner always had more than one girlfriend, but by the 2000s he was dating several times a week with seven blondes who he said were all having fun with him at the same time. Among them was Holly Madison, who became his "special" or main girlfriend, and moved into the Playboy Villa in 2000 when she was 21 years old.


Playboy clubs are praised as a place where sophisticated men can be in the company of their peers while they are served by beautiful women in bunny clothes. But beneath the shell of glamor lurked an ugly truth: celebrities and VIPs who came to the clubs could do whatever they wanted and get away with it. All clubs had a ‘cleaning team’ that covered up unpleasant incidents without involving the police. Masten, the mother of the rabbits, claims that the incident with Don Cornelius was the worst she had ever heard of and that Hefner knew all about it.

"Cornelius was there, in one of the clubs when two sisters aged between 20 and 21 caught his eye. He called them. These two young girls got into his Rolls Royce and went to his house. We didn't hear from them for three days, we didn't know where they were. He separated them, one locked in one room, the other in another. The sister could hear the other sister screaming.It was terrible. "

One of the girls managed to get out and call her mother, but the incident was never reported to the police.

This is only a part of the devastating truth about Hefner and his girls. We can not wait to find out the rest.