Activision Blizzard: Not interested in the NFT

Apr 19, 2022 - 15:05
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Activision Blizzard: Not interested in the NFT

Several speculations and claims surfaced over the weekend claiming that Activision Blizzard was examining players' interest in cryptocurrencies and NFT products via a YouGov poll, with the goal of entering this realm of tokens non-fungible things increasingly prominent in the gaming business. However, it appears that the company is no longer interested.

And it is that the denial has come from nothing less than direct communication from the company's current president, Mike Ybarra, who has closed any disputes with a simple but direct answer: "Nobody (at Activision Blizzard) is doing NFT ".

All of this debate arose as a result of a single question in one of the company's surveys published in January, in which the attempt was made to learn "What is the interest of your research in non-fungible tokens (NFT)?" among the player base.

However, some employees have already expressed their displeasure with this type of content, such as Jorge Murillo, one of Blizzard's senior designers, who tweeted in January: "As a developer on the @PlayOverwatch team, I am totally against the NFT and I will fight to ensure they are not integrated into our game."

And the vast majority of developers appear to be positioning themselves against these practices, as evidenced by the Game Developers Conference's Annual Report on the State of the Games Industry, which revealed that 70% of those polled were "not interested" in entering the NFT market, compared to 21% who were "somewhat interested" and only 7% were "very interested."

In reality, only 1% of those polled said they were currently working with digital tokens.

In fact, although we have already seen how some companies, such as Konami or Ubisoft, have decided to enter this market, Activision Blizzard is not the first to position itself against this market, with many other developers, such as GSC Game World or Team17, who ended up retracting due to player pressure and negativity.