Ashley Graham's secret for self-confidence

Ashley Graham reveals which affirmation she has been using since childhood for more self-confidence - she says it every morning in front of the mirror!

Apr 19, 2022 - 15:21
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Ashley Graham's secret for self-confidence

Ashley Graham reveals which affirmation she has been using since childhood for more self-confidence - she says it every morning in front of the mirror!

Popular plus-size model Ashley Graham points out that she is much more than her size, belly, and buttocks, and that she is a person who represents more than her appearance. She became an inspiration to many women, and her pictures in bikinis drove the whole world crazy. Many ask how she managed to have so much self-confidence with being overweight, and her secret is simple, magical and every woman can do it!

Graham did not become a source of self-confidence overnight, it took her years of mental practice to build self-confidence and to love her body. In one show, she revealed that she used a simple mantra from an early age that helped her be what she is and be in love with her body. She created her personal mantra, affirmation, that is, a positive message, and she says that sentence to herself every morning.

When she was about 18, Graham, who moved from her hometown of Nebraska to work as a model in New York, almost quit because she felt so bad about her looks. But then her mom gave her great advice, she said, "Your body can change someone's life." “She did not allow me to give up but encouraged me to work on the relationship I have with myself, she taught me how to love and appreciate myself,” Ashley said.

After that, the plus-size model came up with a positive message she says to herself every morning while looking in the mirror. And that changed her life. Her affirmation is: "I am brave. I am brilliant. I am beautiful."

"I look at all my fans and people who are going through the same similar struggles as me, like my family, like my sisters, like my brothers," said the model. With her positive attitude, self-confidence, and incredible energy she radiates, Ashley promotes that every body is a beautiful body and that we should love and be grateful for it. After her presentations, many ladies with curves took pictures in bikinis, gained self-confidence, and learned to love and appreciate themselves.

Ashley Graham pointed out on her Youtube channel that she attracts more fulfilling desires and activates the law of attraction!