Amazon series: " The Rig"
The creator and screenwriter of the series is David Macpherson.

Amazon has never invested heavily in the marketing of its movies and series. There are of course exceptions, like the series "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power", because we guess it would be crazy for them to spend so much money on creating a series without it being written about anywhere.
At first, we thought that it was only us who passed under the radar, but surfing the net it is clear that the series barely received any media attention. We discovered the series precisely thanks to our subscription to Amazon Prime, and since there was nothing better to watch, we clicked on the play, just to see what it was.
At least until the end of the first episode, "The Rig" is very difficult to classify. A series that wants to be a mix of several genres: a psychological drama, a mystery thriller, and on top of that, it also revealed itself as a relatively creepy SF. And what exactly is it about?
The action takes place on the Kinloch Bravo oil rig in the North Sea, which unexpectedly finds itself cut off from all communications with the mainland when a thick mysterious fog appears. With the first problems, it slowly begins to reveal who is who among the crew. As anxiety and powerlessness grow, divisions occur, loyalties are questioned, and the first casualties occur, until the ever-increasing crisis has no end in sight. The clear sense of danger increases with the second and third episodes, as the mystery behind the story unfolds. But we'll leave it to you to discover for yourself.
What we can say is that the mystery, which seems very convincing at the beginning, slowly dissolves by the end of the third episode. So expect finesse, neither with the main backbone of the story nor with the special effects. Although we must note that the series convincingly 'sells' the location in which it takes place, the platform itself is never a problem, whether it is parts specially built for filming purposes (for which the production designer is primarily responsibleRob Harris ) or those who were actually filmed on a real oil rig on the east coast of Scotland.
The cast is excellent, and they are indeed the biggest plus of the series. Here we single out Iain Glen (Game of Thrones) as Magnus MacMillan, Owen Teale (Game of Thrones) as Lars Hutton, Mark Bonner (Humans) as Alwyn Evans, Emily Hampshire (Schitt's Creek) as Rose Mason and Martin Compston(Line of Duty) as Fulmer Hamilton.
The creator and screenwriter of the series is David Macpherson, who is supposedly a big fan of Alien as well as Carpenter's Creature.
Post By: Vanessa F.