BEN TOOK A BREAK FROM J.LO? Smiling and pleased, he did not hide from the paparazzi
Ben Affleck spent time with his mother and children

Actor Ben Affleck has not stopped attracting media attention since he renewed his romance with ex-fiancée Jennifer Lopez. They have been filling media columns for the last few months wherever they appear, and now Ben has decided to take a break and dedicate one day to his family, specifically his mother Christopher Anne Boldt and his children, 15-year-old Violeta, 12-year-old Seraphina Rose Elizabeth, and 9-year-old Samuel Garner Affleck.
They spent the day in Los Angeles where they visited the California Science Center Museum and, judging by the photos, had a great time.
Affleck did not take the smile off his face, hugged the children, and was happy to spend time with the family.
It all takes place after Ben spent his vacation with Jennifer Lopez, traveling on a luxury yacht across the Mediterranean. At one point, their vacation turned into hell because they were literally stalked by rivers of people in Italy.
Returning to America, they returned to their daily commitments, and at that time the Latino diva decided to end all ties with her ex-partner Alex Rodriguez. She deleted their shared photos from Instagram, and then Rodriguez himself announced their breakup.
By: Olivia J. - Gossip Whispers