Brigitte Macron born as a man?
Brigitte Macron is preparing a lawsuit against the conspiracy theory circulating on the Internet that she is transgender and that she was born as a man.

Brigitte Macron, the wife of French President Emanuel Macron, is preparing a lawsuit against the conspiracy theory circulating on the Internet that she is transgender and that she was born as a man. The first lady of France was targeted on social networks since claims about her were published on the website in September, which has been spread by conspiracy theorists ever since.
According to these claims, she was born as a man under the name of Jean-Michel Trogneux. Macron' lawyer confirmed that she is taking legal steps. "She has decided to initiate proceedings," lawyer Jean Enochi confirmed.
Lies about the 68-year-old are spreading on the orders of people who oppose Emanuel Macron's policies, coronavirus anti-vaxers, and various conspiracy theorists.
Many are wondering why Brigitte Macron is going to court to deny such ridiculous lies. Did Elvis Presley's relatives file a lawsuit when they were told he was alive and well, spotted eating ham and semolina in a house in Memphis? Filing a lawsuit can leave the impression among conspiracy theorists that there really is something to deny. Otherwise, why would they take it so seriously?
But in fact, there is no evidence that anyone - except a handful of idiots - finds the story of the transgender Brigitte convincing. Journalists also know how to overestimate the importance of the Internet. So the story had a lot of reviews and readings? That doesn't mean that anyone really believed in it.
And as the newspaper Le Monde pointed out, French conspiracy theorists have other, more important topics. They are currently obsessed with the upcoming elections.
This is not the first time that Brigitte Macron has been targeted since her husband was elected president in 2017. There were those who had previously talked about their big age difference - she is 25 years older than him. The conspiracy theory about the wife of the French president was launched just before the presidential elections in the spring of 2022. Macron has not yet officially confirmed that he will run for a second term, but he is expected to. His rivals should be Valerie Pecresse and Eric Zemmour.