Celebrities' bizarre beauty treatments
Snakes, bees and leeches in the service of beauty, find out what kind of scary treatments famous ladies resort to!

It’s no secret that women are willing to do anything to refresh their skin and preserve youth. Many famous ladies also indulge in various treatments, so, for example, they go for snake massages, and bees and leeches were also in the service of beauty. Victoria Beckham, on the other hand, has a special routine in both skincare and nutrition, so she has been eating the same thing every day for 25 years.
Natural botox
In maintaining a youthful appearance, many women resort to less radical strokes than a surgical knife and injections. So, for example, to keep it fresh, Gwyneth Paltrow allowed bees to sting her face. She only discovered that the bizarre treatment was very painful. Otherwise, it is used to reduce inflammatory processes on the skin and scars. This treatment is called natural botox.
Leeches treatment
Actress Demi Moore, instead of bees, reaches for leeches. Their saliva contains a powerful antibiotic and anesthetic that has been shown to be very useful in treatment. Leech therapy is also used for varicose veins, venous diseases, arthrosis, or tinnitus. It is also used in modern reconstructive and plastic surgery, to improve circulation.
"They first inject their serum inside, like snake venom, they need it for food, to reproduce better. When they inject it, the blood thins and all platelets are killed," explained the alternative doctor.
Bird droppings treatment
Victoria Beckham uses bird droppings for beauty. She uses it in treatments like a cream. And in order to have a slim figure, she has been eating the same thing every day for 25 years. Namely, her menu includes only grilled fish and steamed vegetables.
Snake massage
When we thought it couldn't be more unusual, another unusual treatment appeared among celebrities. Namely, model Stella Maxwell boasted that she goes for a snake massage. And she described her experience as unforgettable.
Vampire treatment
One of the treatments is the so-called vampire treatment, which Kim Kardashian gladly undergoes. It is about beautifying with blood plasma. This treatment is in daily use today.
Luxury wellness and spa salons are increasingly rich in bizarre cosmetic treatments that offer "eternal youth", so we will not expect any less crazy treatments for the bravest in the future.