
Disenchanted is an upcoming American musical fantasy-comedy film and a sequel to the 2007 movie Enchanted. The film is directed by Adam Shankman and produced by Walt Disney Pictures. The movie follows the story of Giselle, who, ten years after the events of the first movie, finds herself struggling with the realities of married life and motherhood. Here's what we know so far about the highly anticipated sequel.

May 1, 2023 - 03:46
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The movie picks up ten years after the events of Enchanted, with Giselle living in the real world with her husband, Robert, and their teenage daughter, Morgan. Giselle is struggling to adapt to the realities of married life and motherhood and longs for the romanticized version of life that she experienced in the fairy-tale world of Andalasia. When a new threat emerges, Giselle must return to Andalasia to save her kingdom and her family.


Disenchanted boasts an impressive cast of talented actors. Amy Adams reprises her role as Giselle, the film's protagonist, and Patrick Dempsey returns as her husband, Robert. James Marsden also returns as Prince Edward, Giselle's true love from the first movie. The movie also features new characters, including Maya Rudolph, who plays Malvina, a new villain, and Yvette Nicole Brown, who plays Rosalyn, Giselle's new friend in Andalasia.

Director and Production

Disenchanted is directed by Adam Shankman, known for his work on movies like Hairspray and Rock of Ages. The movie is produced by Walt Disney Pictures, and the script is written by J. David Stem and David N. Weiss. Filming for the movie began in May 2021 in Ireland and is expected to wrap up in August 2021.

Release Date and Expectations

Disenchanted does not currently have a release date, but it is expected to be released on Disney+. The movie has been in development for over a decade, with rumors and speculation about the sequel circulating for years. The announcement of the movie's production was met with excitement from fans of the first movie, who have been eagerly anticipating a sequel. The movie is expected to deliver the same blend of humor, heart, and catchy musical numbers that made the first movie such a hit.

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In conclusion, Disenchanted is an upcoming musical fantasy-comedy movie that follows the story of Giselle, who, ten years after the events of Enchanted, finds herself struggling with the realities of married life and motherhood. The movie boasts an impressive cast of talented actors and is directed by Adam Shankman, known for his work on musical movies. While the movie does not have a release date yet, it's highly anticipated by fans of the first movie, and expectations are high for the sequel to deliver the same magic that made the first movie such a beloved classic.