"Disney" method! How to Make it!

how Walt Disney became one of the MOST SUCCESSFUL people on the planet!
Walt Disney became famous as a producer of cartoons. His kingdom is still very successful today, several decades after his death.
He created a brand from his company, and even now he is considered a symbol of a successful entrepreneur.
However, his success did not come easily. Disney suffered several business failures, which, as many still say, he overcame exclusively with the help of imagination. That is why the creation of his empire is attributed to the imagination that Walt Disney had. Nonetheless, he used it to create characters and cartoons, as well as to create a successful business model.
During his entrepreneurial career, Disney often introduced new approaches in order to organize himself and his employees and to achieve better results.
While working on the first films, Snow White, Pinocchio and Bambi, which made his name, he used a revolutionary approach to coordinate the thinking of his employees. This approach is still mentioned in the entrepreneurial world, and it even got its name.
"Disney's method".
The story of the "Disney method" came from the words of one of the animators of the Disney Corporation. They allegedly described his boss in the following words:
"There were three Volts - a dreamer, a realist and one who would spoil all ideas. You never knew who would come to the meeting. "
"Disney's method for turning a dream into reality"
It is on this statement that Robert Dietz, author, instructor and consultant in the field of neurolinguistic programming, based his analysis of the creative process of Walt Disney.
He defined this technique as "Disney's method of turning a dream into reality."
This method is a special technique of thinking. It is successful when it comes to creating new things. It is also useful for solving problems and finding new ways to achieve the goal.
Dits described creativity as a process that involves the coordination of three sub-processes. Each of them views the problem from a different angle. He called them: Dreamer, Realist and Critic. There are three roles in question, necessary for the creation of ideas and their realization.
Walt Disney: Dreamer, Realist and Critic
The dreamer
He is in charge of coming up with ideas. In this sub-process, conscious thoughts are 'forbidden', and the imagination comes to life. For The dreamer, nothing is impossible. Countless fantasies, desires, bold and absurd ideas pass through his mind without restrictions and prejudices. It is characterized by the question of 'what' and vision. At this stage, the goal, purpose, advantages should be defined, as well as how to recognize those advantages and when they can be expected.
The realist
Comes when it is necessary to recognize the best idea, the one that can make a success, and devise a plan for its realization. It is characterized by the question of 'how' and action. At this stage, one should look for answers to the questions when the final goal will be achieved, who will implement the plan, how the idea will be implemented, how the results of implementation will be measured, based on which it will be known that the goal has been achieved.
The critic
Provides a break in the creative process by pointing out all possible omissions of the Dreamer’s idea or Realist's plan. He is a ‘devil’s advocate’ who considers all ideas and tries to spot flaws in them. It is characterized by the question of 'why' and logic. Critics must consider what problems may arise, when a particular project will be affected and who may prevent effective project completion, why someone would oppose the idea, when and why you would not implement a particular idea, what the plan lacks.
All three roles are necessary for the success of the "Disney method"
According to the allegations, the ideas Walt worked on, went through these processes.
All three roles are necessary for the success of this model. A dreamer without a Realist cannot turn ideas into reality. Together they cannot achieve a high level of quality without the help of Critics.
While some claim that Walt Disney could play all three roles, the fact is that one man is characterized by only one of the phases.
Some are born dreamers, they have a lot of ideas, but they don't know how to put them into practice. On the other hand, some are very realistic, precise and rational, they know how to come up with an idea. they strictly adhere to the facts, but they lack the imagination to see the bigger picture. The third is the natural critics, who cut to the roots and see what is wrong, right at the beginning of the creation of the idea.
The team is key to Walt Disney's method
That's why the Disney Method has become revolutionary.
In order for an idea or project to be successful, it is necessary to put together a team that has dreamers, realists and critics.
Depending on the project and the company, a team of dreamers, realists and critics can be composed of several people. Because, when we think alone, or in inadequate groups, there will be a chance that there are too many dreamers, realists or critics, and if the idea or project depends on it, then it has no chance.
As the media previously wrote, Walt went even a step further with this idea. He had rooms in which he thought like a Dreamer, Realist or Critic.
It is this approach, it is believed, that could lead to almost any idea becoming successful. Imagine if there was a conference room A that would be used only for imagination, a conference room B that would be used to find ways to turn dreams into reality and a conference room C that would help the idea find all the weak points before it becomes launched?
It seems like something that could be a successful business model.