Fresh: A Gritty Coming-of-Age Drama

"Fresh" is a 2022 coming-of-age drama film directed by Sarah Polley and written by Jennifer Lee. Set in the gritty streets of New York City, the movie tells the story of a young boy named Fresh (Alex Hibbert) who navigates the dangerous world of drug trafficking to provide for his family. With a talented cast and compelling storyline, "Fresh" is a poignant and powerful film that explores themes of family, poverty, and survival.

Feb 26, 2023 - 18:13
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Fresh: A Gritty Coming-of-Age Drama

The Plot

The movie follows Fresh, a 13-year-old boy who lives with his aunt and uncle in a rundown housing project. To make ends meet, Fresh works for local drug lord Esteban (Michael K. Williams) as a runner, delivering drugs and collecting money. Fresh is a smart and resourceful boy, and he uses his wits to stay alive in a dangerous world.

As Fresh becomes more deeply involved in Esteban's operations, he uncovers a plot to kill his sister, Nichole (Storm Reid), who is addicted to drugs. Fresh must use all his cunning and bravery to protect his family and outsmart Esteban and his henchmen.

The Cast

"Fresh" features a talented cast of actors who bring depth and emotion to their roles. Alex Hibbert delivers a powerful performance as Fresh, capturing the character's intelligence and vulnerability. Michael K. Williams brings gravitas to his role as the menacing drug lord Esteban, while Storm Reid portrays Fresh's troubled sister with nuance and sensitivity.

The supporting cast includes familiar faces such as Danny Glover, Jharrel Jerome, and LaKeith Stanfield, who add depth and complexity to their respective roles.

The Cinematography

"Fresh" features stunning cinematography that captures the gritty reality of life in the housing projects of New York City. The movie's color palette is muted, with shades of gray and brown dominating the screen. The camera work is skillful, with dynamic angles and tracking shots that create a sense of motion and urgency.

The movie's visuals also convey a sense of claustrophobia and confinement, highlighting the limited options available to Fresh and his family. The cinematography immerses viewers in the harsh realities of inner-city life and underscores the challenges facing Fresh and his loved ones.

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The Soundtrack

"Fresh" features a soundtrack that blends hip-hop, jazz, and classical music to create a unique and powerful atmosphere. The score, composed by Nicholas Britell, is a mix of electronic and orchestral music that reflects the movie's themes of tension and conflict.

The soundtrack also features a variety of songs by artists such as Nas, JAY-Z, and Kendrick Lamar, which add to the movie's urban and contemporary feel.


"Fresh" is a powerful and poignant coming-of-age drama that explores themes of family, poverty, and survival. With a talented cast, gripping plot, and stunning cinematography, the movie immerses viewers in the harsh realities of inner-city life and underscores the challenges facing young people growing up in poverty. "Fresh" is a must-watch for anyone who loves gritty and emotionally resonant cinema.