Get toxic people out of your life forever!

Whether you like it or not, you will meet toxic people throughout your life.

Mar 29, 2022 - 01:44
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Get toxic people out of your life forever!

Whether it's a pessimistic family member, a friend who doesn't respect your time, or a manipulative boss, such a thing is simply inevitable. Although this may seem like a slight inconvenience, such people can be dangerous to your health and well-being because they require a lot of time and energy.

Toxic people can cause you to lose your temper, which can lead to other negative feelings such as anger, rage and stress. In addition, people in toxic relationships are at greater risk of heart disease. Before you take any steps, you should be able to spot warning signs.

1. Admit to them how you feel

Although you do not owe them an explanation, it is not good to keep negative feelings to yourself. If you want to end the relationship, tell them calmly, and do not go down to their level if you return fire. If you feel more comfortable, you may be able to do so in a public space.

2. Stay away from them

You may want to disconnect completely. If so, you may simply need to try the "patch removal" approach, which means abruptly ending each contact. If you do not want to go to that extreme, especially if it is a family member, try to distance yourself a little. Maybe you could stop following them on social media or see them live only once or twice a year. If they want to spend time with you, tell them you have other plans and you will have to procrastinate.

3. Set firm boundaries

You probably won't just tell toxic people to get out of your life. Some will even try to "bury their claws deeper" if you try to separate yourself from them, but don't let that discourage you. Be clear in your intentions and stick to the boundaries you set. Toxic people will use every weakness to sneak back into your life. If you decide not to reply to their messages, don't. Block their number or profiles on social networks.

4. Don't be fooled 

Even if you stick to your principles, toxic people know how to draw their victims back. Maybe they will call you because they are going through family problems and you are needed. There is a good chance that this is just a trick that will bring you back to your life. Stay strong and don't fall into this trap. Remember, it is not your responsibility to always be their shoulder to cry on. If they are really in trouble, redirect them to professional help.

5. Spend more time with positive people

Instead of wasting your time and energy on toxic people, spend more time with people who are positive and supportive. In short, you should be accepted as you are and feel good about yourself. Most importantly, you should surround yourself with people you really enjoy spending time with. That doesn't mean they should never be critical. But constructive criticism means that both positive and negative feedback is conveyed in a friendly way.

6. Talk to someone

When you break up with someone, you can go through a period of remorse. To help you deal with these feelings, surround yourself with people who support you or talk to a mental health professional.

7. Forgive them

Forgiveness means releasing negative emotions that bind you to the past and the continuation of life. That doesn't mean approving of someone's behavior or forgetting how it affected you or giving a toxic person another chance. Just let go of the past and move on with your life.