‘Gordita Chronicles’ (2022)

Gordita Chronicles is an upcoming comedy-drama television series that is set to premiere on HBO Max in 2022. The show is created by Claudia Forestieri and produced by Zoe Saldana's Cinestar Pictures. The series follows the life of a young girl named Carlota who grows up in a multigenerational Mexican-American family in Miami during the 1980s. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the show's plot, cast, production, and anticipation.

May 12, 2023 - 09:51
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‘Gordita Chronicles’ (2022)


The plot of Gordita Chronicles follows the life of Carlota, a young girl who navigates the challenges of growing up in a multigenerational Mexican-American family in Miami during the 1980s. The show explores themes of identity, family, and culture, as Carlota struggles to find her place in a world that often feels foreign to her. The show is a coming-of-age story that is both funny and heartwarming.


Gordita Chronicles features a talented cast that brings the show's characters to life. The lead role of Carlota is played by newcomer Olivia Goncalves, while the show's supporting cast includes notable actors such as Juan Javier Cardenas, Diana Maria Riva, and Savannah Nicole Ruiz.


Gordita Chronicles was created by Claudia Forestieri, who has worked on shows such as The Baker and the Beauty and The Bridge. The show is produced by Zoe Saldana's Cinestar Pictures, and it features a predominantly Latinx cast and crew. The show's soundtrack is also expected to feature a mix of classic and contemporary songs that capture the spirit of the 1980s.


Gordita Chronicles has generated significant anticipation ahead of its premiere in 2022. The show has been praised for its representation of Latinx culture and its ability to tell a unique and compelling story. Many viewers are excited to see how the show will tackle themes of identity, family, and culture, as well as how it will capture the spirit of the 1980s.

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Gordita Chronicles (2022) is an upcoming comedy-drama television series that explores themes of identity, family, and culture. With its talented cast, impressive production, and unique storytelling, the show has generated significant anticipation ahead of its premiere on HBO Max. We believe that the show has the potential to become a breakout hit and to capture the hearts of viewers who are looking for a fresh and exciting new series to watch.