‘Sally4Ever’ (2018)

Sally4Ever is a British comedy television series that premiered in 2018 on Sky Atlantic. The show was created by Julia Davis, who also starred in the lead role of Sally. The series follows Sally, a woman in her thirties, who is stuck in a mundane relationship with her long-term boyfriend David. However, when she meets the free-spirited Emma, Sally's life takes a dramatic turn. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the show's plot, cast, production, and reception.

May 12, 2023 - 09:44
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‘Sally4Ever’ (2018)


The plot of Sally4Ever centers around Sally, a woman who is stuck in a boring relationship with her boyfriend David. However, her life takes a dramatic turn when she meets Emma, a free-spirited woman who encourages Sally to explore her sexuality and live life to the fullest. The show is a dark comedy that deals with themes of sexuality, relationships, and personal growth.


Sally4Ever boasts of a talented cast that brings the show's characters to life. Julia Davis stars in the lead role of Sally, and her performance has been widely praised by both critics and viewers. Other notable cast members include Catherine Shepherd as Emma, Julian Barratt as David, and Alex Macqueen as Nigel.


The production of Sally4Ever was nothing short of impressive. The show was created by Julia Davis, who is known for her work on other British comedies such as Nighty Night and Hunderby. The show's soundtrack also features a mix of classic and contemporary songs, adding to the show's unique and captivating atmosphere.


Sally4Ever received critical acclaim for its dark comedy and unique take on relationships and sexuality. The show's frank and open portrayal of female sexuality was particularly praised, as it broke down many of the taboos that are often associated with the topic. However, the show's humor and explicit content may not be for everyone, and some viewers may find it too offensive or vulgar.

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Sally4Ever (2018) is a unique and captivating television series that explores themes of sexuality, relationships, and personal growth. With its talented cast, impressive production, and frank and open portrayal of female sexuality, the show managed to break down many of the taboos associated with the topic. While the show's humor and explicit content may not be for everyone, its impact on the world of television is undeniable.