How to recognize manipulative person?

Studies have shown that there are certain types of people who will cheat on you much easier than you expect. Who are they?

Mar 3, 2022 - 09:27
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How to recognize manipulative person?

Studies have shown that there are certain types of people who will cheat on you much easier than you expect. Who are they?

Cheating is a sign that something is wrong in an emotional relationship, but it doesn't always lead to a breakup. It is up to you whether you will forgive or not. Psychologists claim that a lot depends on the character, whether your partner will cheat on you or not.

We are all different, but even in that difference, we may be similar too. That is how psychologists grouped us and came to certain common characteristics that are possessed, in this case, by people who are more prone to cheating.

Narcissistic person

Narcissistic people have one philosophy of life, and that is that they deserve it all. That way, they will not think that cheating is something especially terrible that they did to you, and they will expect that forgiveness is a completely natural and logical thing. 

They seek admiration and adore a sense of power, while not respecting other people's feelings because other people do not exist for them as human beings, they are there only to express their enthusiasm for a narcissistic person.

Manipulative person

They generally enter into relationships incapable of love and without feelings of any love or empathy. They will ask you for unconditional love, they will often blame you for their mistakes, and you will not even be aware of the problem you are in.

The manipulator will make a victim out of himself, and you will feel guilty in that game. They can often be passively aggressive, which also has the effect of causing guilt in the partner.


Hedonists are generally disliked by people, because they try to provide themselves with the most perfect life, without paying attention to other people's needs. They are not malicious, but they know how to be selfish, which is not good for any relationship. 

The hedonist has a lack of self-control, so it will be difficult for him to give up going out and deny himself all the pleasures that are offered to him.

Emotionally unstable

Psychologists claim that emotional instability is a common characteristic of cheaters because they quarrel more often than others and have rapid mood swings. He will often try to draw you into his drama and will expect you to understand everything, so an emotionally unstable personality type is definitely a bad choice for a relationship.