Jennifer Aniston has finally revealed what kind of relationship she has with Brad Pitt!
After the actor cheated on her with Angelina Jolie, Jennifer filed for divorce and never mentioned Brad Pitt again ... Until yesterday!

Actress Jennifer Aniston has always kept to her privacy, so even after her divorce from Brad Pitt, she did not comment on media writing.
The only thing she said was that "it's not cool" that Angelina Jolie gave an interview in which she talked about how Brad and she fell in love and how she couldn't wait to come to the filming of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," where Jennifer had everything happening behind her back.
As the years passed, the media continued to deal with Jennifer's feelings after this betrayal, and she wisely kept silent. However, during a guest appearance on The Howard Stern Show, she decided to answer the host's question about whether she was uncomfortable when she participated in a virtual screenplay for the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High, in which there were many stars. - Brad Pitt, among others. At one point, Brad and Jennifer looked at each other, and he said with a smile, "Hi, Aniston," which was the news of the day in the world media.
- It was a lot of fun. You know, Brad and I are friends. We're friends, we're talking - Jennifer was open. - There is no inconvenience, except maybe for those who watched and wanted it to be.
The host asked the actress if she found love.
- I'm not. So far, there have been no great successes, but I am always, of course, open to that - Aniston is honest.
By: Angelica W. - Gossip Whispers