Jennifer Grey was engaged to two actors!
Jennifer Gray has revealed details from her love life that surprised the public.

The star of the cult film ‘Dirty Dancing’ Jennifer Gray (62) has revealed a detail from her past that surprised many. The actress was a guest on the Drew Barrymore show and admitted that she was engaged to two colleagues, Johnny Depp (58) and Matthew Broderick (60) in the same month. The love triangle she found herself in was a sign that she was having trouble, and she discovered that God had saved her from one bad situation.
'Johnny was so beautiful, it was almost inhuman. We were young, for me he was the answer to my problems. He was sweet, loving, romantic, crazy about me and beautiful. I had a desperate need to go back to something like that, ' said Jennifer. She added that Depp saved her and made her not feel what she felt then.
She also recalled a car accident she experienced on August 5, 1987, in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, when her fiancé Matthew Broderick crossed into the wrong lane and collided with another car.
‘A car accident is one of the three biggest traumas of my life, and maybe even the first,’ Gray said, noting that she is still haunted by this traumatic experience today.
Recall, Broderick was driving a rented BMW 316 and Jennifer was in the passenger seat when he crossed into the opposite lane. 28-year-old driver Anna Gallagher and her mother, co-driver Margaret Doherty (63) from another car died at the scene.
Gray was on holiday in Ireland with Matthew. They began a romance after they met on the set of ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’ and it was then that their relationship was revealed. Broderick broke his leg and ribs in the accident, he also had a concussion and collapsed lungs. He told police he did not remember the traffic and did not know why he was in the wrong lane. Jennifer only had bruises and it hit her hard that the dead driver was her peer.
‘The first thing I remember is waking up in the hospital with a weird feeling in my leg,’ Matthew said. He was charged with causing death by dangerous driving and faced a five-year prison sentence, but after all, he had a sentence for reckless driving and had to pay £ 100. The brother and son of the victims, Martin Doherty, called the verdict a parody of justice.
Gray and Broderick broke off their engagement in 1998, shortly after the fatal accident, and their relationship simply couldn’t withstand the media pressure because of it all.