Brian Cox rips Johnny Depp, Quentin Tarantino and Steven Seagal in his new memoir
Brian Cox, 75, the star of the series "Succession", in his memoirs - "Putting The Rabbit In The Hat", revealed which Hollywood faces he likes the least.

The actor, who first played the character of Hannibal Lecktor in the film "Manhunter", put Johnny Depp and Quentin Tarantino on the list of those he thinks do not correspond to the reputation that accompanies them.
Judging by the excerpts from the book, the acting legend does not seem to worry that his famous friends might be offended, and he also said that he will not be surprised if he "no longer hears from someone".
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In one part of his memoir, Brian Cox writes that he turned down the role of Governor Weatherby Swann in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", which eventually went to Jonathan Pryce.
Cox emphasized that Depp was "overblown".
“Personable though I’m sure he is, is so overblown, so overrated,” Cox wrote.
"I mean, Edward Scissorhands. Let’s face it, if you come on with hands like that and pale, scarred-face make-up, you don’t have to do anything. And he didn’t. And subsequently, he’s done even less,” he writes.
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Cox also had something to say about screenwriter and director Quentin Tarantino.
"I find his work meretricious. It’s all surface. Plot mechanics in place of depth. Style where there should be substance. I walked out of Pulp Fiction," he said.
Given his dislike of Tarantino's style, Cox never worked for the film director, although he would not object to payment if he were ever given the opportunity.
Cox was even more dramatic when he wrote about action star Steven Seagal, with whom he starred in the 1996 police thriller "The Glimmer Man."
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He didn't care about Seagal's "studied serenity", which he considered "ludicrous".
“Steven Seagal is as ludicrous in real life as he appears on screen. He radiates a studied serenity, as though he’s on a higher plane to the rest of us, and while he’s certainly on a different plane, no doubt about that, it’s probably not a higher one,” Cox remarked.
By: Helen B.