Life of Pi, 2012

"Life of Pi" is a 2012 adventure-drama movie directed by Ang Lee and based on the novel of the same name by Yann Martel. The movie tells the story of a young Indian boy named Pi who survives a shipwreck and must fend for himself on a lifeboat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the plot, characters, and critical reception of "Life of Pi."

May 6, 2023 - 21:04
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Life of Pi, 2012


The movie begins with an adult Pi (played by Irrfan Khan) recounting his childhood in India to a writer (played by Rafe Spall). Pi's family owns a zoo, and he becomes fascinated by religion and spirituality at a young age. When his family decides to sell the zoo and move to Canada, they board a Japanese cargo ship with their animals.

The ship sinks in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and Pi is the only human survivor. He finds himself stranded on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Pi must learn to coexist with the tiger and fend for himself as they journey across the ocean. They encounter numerous challenges, including storms, hunger, and dehydration.

After months at sea, they finally reach the coast of Mexico. Richard Parker runs into the jungle without looking back, and Pi is rescued by local villagers. He is later questioned by officials about the shipwreck and his survival story, but they do not believe him. Pi then tells a different, more gruesome version of the story, in which he is stranded on the lifeboat with other survivors, including a cook who kills and eats the other passengers. The officials accept this version of the story, and Pi is allowed to return to Canada.


  • Pi Patel: Suraj Sharma plays the young Pi, and Irrfan Khan plays the adult Pi. Pi is a curious and spiritual young boy who must learn to survive on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger.

  • Richard Parker: A Bengal tiger who is stranded on the lifeboat with Pi. While initially hostile towards Pi, they develop a complex relationship as they journey across the ocean.

  • Writer: Rafe Spall plays a writer who interviews the adult Pi about his survival story.

Critical Reception

"Life of Pi" received critical acclaim upon its release. The movie won four Academy Awards, including Best Director for Ang Lee, and grossed over $609 million worldwide. Critics praised the movie's visual effects, cinematography, and storytelling.

The movie's depiction of religion and spirituality was also a topic of discussion among critics and audiences. Some praised the movie for its exploration of faith and belief, while others criticized it for being too simplistic or muddled in its message.

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"Life of Pi" is an adventure-drama movie that tells the story of a young Indian boy named Pi who must survive a shipwreck and fend for himself on a lifeboat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. The movie explores themes of survival, faith, and belief, and features stunning visual effects and cinematography.

The movie received critical acclaim upon its release, winning four Academy Awards and grossing over $609 million worldwide. "Life of Pi" is a powerful and thought-provoking movie that resonates with audiences long after the credits roll.