Love chemistry: When movie couples 'click'
It is not a rare case that directors persistently pair some movie stars in different movies. The secret, they say, is in the hard-to-describe spark between them, something that is usually called 'chemistry', so that it seems to the viewer that this acting couple looks perfect together.

How do you even know that actors have 'good chemistry', you ask? Is it when the cast includes your favorite actor or actress? Or when there is a compelling movie story? Besides, 'chemistry' doesn't even have to be romantic. It can also be felt between actors who don't particularly like each other. And it's not necessarily about looks, because chemistry can exist between two people who are in completely different categories of what is considered conventional beauty.
No matter what kind of film it is, the 'chemistry' between the two main roles completely captures the viewer, but if it is not there, it can completely destroy the film. It goes without saying that, a romantic comedy is only as good as the 'chemistry' between the two main characters. Evidence? Many Hollywood actresses and actors started their love relationships and even marriages on the film set, but, admittedly, broke them up with some new 'chemistry' in one of the following films.
Even if we do not go far back in time to the times of the couples Bogart-Bacall, Hepburn-Tracy, Leigh-Gable, Astaire-Rogers and many others, no one can dispute that Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen in the movie 'Pride and Prejudice' radiated explosive chemistry whenever they are on screen together. It's the same story with Carrie-Anne Moss and Keanu Reeves in the 'Matrix' series, although it's about the opposite genre. Or, even more drastically, Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara in the movie 'Carol', one of the best relationships shown on the screen, or Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger in 'Brokeback Mountain'.