MFKZ (2018)

MFKZ, also known as Mutafukaz, is a 2018 animated film that combines elements of anime, hip hop, and classic action movies. Directed by Shojiro Nishimi and Guillaume Renard, this film is a thrilling ride that offers a unique and gritty take on the animated genre. In this article, we will explore the plot, characters, and overall experience of MFKZ.

Apr 27, 2023 - 10:56
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MFKZ (2018)


The movie follows the story of Angelino, a young man who lives in Dark Meat City, a dangerous and crime-ridden metropolis. After a series of strange events, Angelino discovers that he is not human but instead is part of an alien race that is being hunted by a powerful organization. With the help of his friend Vinz and other allies, Angelino fights to uncover the truth and protect his loved ones from harm.

The plot of MFKZ is fast-paced and action-packed, with plenty of twists and turns along the way. The film's style and tone are dark and gritty, and the animation style is reminiscent of classic anime.


The characters in MFKZ are a diverse and interesting bunch. Angelino, the main character, is a flawed but likable protagonist who is determined to protect his friends and uncover the truth about his past. Vinz, Angelino's best friend, is a street-smart and tough-talking sidekick who provides comic relief throughout the movie.

Other notable characters include Luna, a mysterious woman who helps Angelino on his journey, and Mr. K, a ruthless villain who is determined to capture Angelino and his allies. The supporting cast is also well-developed and adds depth and nuance to the story.

Overall Experience

MFKZ is a film that offers a unique and exciting viewing experience. The animation is stunning and combines elements of anime and Western animation styles. The action scenes are intense and well-choreographed, and the film's soundtrack is a perfect blend of hip hop and electronic music.

One of the highlights of the movie is its themes of identity and self-discovery. Angelino's journey to uncover the truth about his past is a relatable and compelling one, and the film's message of acceptance and self-empowerment is powerful.

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In conclusion, MFKZ is a gritty, action-packed animated thriller that is sure to captivate audiences. The movie has a well-crafted plot, memorable characters, and stunning animation. It is a must-watch for anyone who loves animated movies or is looking for a unique and edgy viewing experience. So, if you haven't seen it yet, be sure to add it to your watchlist.