Double Jeopardy is a thrilling crime drama released in 1999, directed by Bruce B...
Cat People is a classic horror film released in 1942, directed by Jacques Tourne...
Under the Skin is a science fiction film released in 2013, directed by Jonathan ...
Last Night in Soho is a psychological thriller film released in 2021, directed b...
Kimi is a drama film released in 2022, directed by Steven S. DeKnight. Starring ...
The Postman Always Rings Twice, released in 1946 and directed by Tay Garnett, is...
Out of the Past, released in 1947 and directed by Jacques Tourneur, is a classic...
Catwoman is a superhero film released in 2004, directed by Pitof. Starring Halle...
Miss Congeniality is a comedy film released in 2000, directed by Donald Petrie. ...
The Other Woman is a romantic comedy film released in 2014, directed by Nick Cas...
The Heat is a buddy cop comedy film released in 2013, directed by Paul Feig. Sta...
Chicago is a musical crime comedy-drama film released in 2002, directed by Rob M...
9 to 5 is a comedy film released in 1980, directed by Colin Higgins. The movie i...
Thoroughbreds is a psychological thriller film released in 2017. Directed by Cor...
The Last Duel is a historical drama film released in 2021. Directed by Ridley Sc...
The First Wives Club is a comedy film released in 1996. Directed by Hugh Wilson,...