Barbie of Swan Lake is an animated fantasy film released in 2003, directed by Ow...
Barbie in the Nutcracker is an animated fantasy film released in 2001, directed ...
Along for the Ride is a coming-of-age drama film released in 2022, directed by N...
The Sky is Everywhere is a romantic drama film released in 2022, directed by Jos...
Mr. Malcolm's List is a romantic comedy film released in 2022, directed by Emma ...
Finding You is a romantic drama film released in 2021, directed by Brian Baugh. ...
The Last Letter From Your Lover is a romantic drama film released in 2021, direc...
Mothering Sunday is a poignant romantic drama film released in 2021, directed by...
To All the Boys: Always and Forever is a romantic comedy-drama film released in ...
Chemical Hearts is a coming-of-age romantic drama film released in 2020, directe...
Emma. is a delightful romantic comedy-drama film released in 2020, directed by A...
Jackie Brown is a crime drama film released in 1997, directed by Quentin Taranti...
The Stepford Wives is a satirical science fiction comedy film released in 2004, ...
Promising Young Woman is a powerful and thought-provoking drama released in 2020...
Double Jeopardy is a thrilling crime drama released in 1999, directed by Bruce B...
Cat People is a classic horror film released in 1942, directed by Jacques Tourne...