Power Book II: Ghost

Power Book II: Ghost is a spin-off of the popular television series, Power. The show was created by Courtney A. Kemp and premiered on September 6, 2020. It follows the story of Tariq St. Patrick, the son of James "Ghost" St. Patrick, as he navigates his way through college while trying to clear his mother's name and get his father's inheritance.

Mar 25, 2023 - 17:35
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Power Book II: Ghost

Cast and Characters

The cast of Power Book II: Ghost includes several familiar faces from the original series, as well as new additions. Here are the main characters:

  1. Tariq St. Patrick (played by Michael Rainey Jr.): The main protagonist of the series, Tariq is trying to balance his studies with his involvement in the drug world.

  2. Monet Stewart Tejada (played by Mary J. Blige): A drug kingpin and matriarch of the Tejada family, Monet becomes an important player in Tariq's life.

  3. Davis MacLean (played by Method Man): A slick and charismatic lawyer, Davis represents Tariq and helps him navigate the legal system.

  4. Cooper Saxe (played by Shane Johnson): A ruthless prosecutor, Cooper is determined to put Tariq behind bars for his involvement in his father's murder.

  5. Brayden Weston (played by Gianni Paolo): Tariq's roommate and partner in crime, Brayden is from a wealthy family and has connections that Tariq needs to succeed in the drug world.

Plot Overview

Power Book II: Ghost picks up right where the original series left off, with Tariq trying to clear his mother's name and get his father's inheritance. He is also trying to navigate his way through college while juggling his involvement in the drug world. Tariq's mother, Tasha, is in jail for the murder of his father, James "Ghost" St. Patrick.

Tariq is determined to prove his mother's innocence and get her out of jail. He strikes a deal with Cooper Saxe to provide evidence that will exonerate his mother in exchange for immunity for himself. Tariq also has to deal with the Tejada family, who are powerful drug dealers and want to use Tariq's connections to their advantage.

Throughout the series, Tariq becomes more involved in the drug world and begins to develop a closer relationship with Monet Tejada. He also has to deal with a rival drug dealer, Mecca, who is determined to take over the Tejada's territory.

As the series progresses, Tariq becomes more entrenched in the drug world and has to balance his loyalty to the Tejada family with his desire to clear his mother's name and get his inheritance. He also has to deal with the ongoing investigation into his father's murder, which threatens to unravel everything he has worked for.

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Why Power Book II: Ghost is a Must-Watch

Here are a few reasons why you should check out Power Book II: Ghost:

  1. Strong Cast and Characters: The cast of Power Book II: Ghost is filled with talented actors who bring their characters to life in a compelling way.

  2. Intriguing Plot: The show's plot is full of twists and turns, making it a thrilling and engaging watch.

  3. Connection to the Original Series: If you were a fan of the original series, Power, you will enjoy the connections and references to that show in Power Book II: Ghost.

  4. Exploration of Complex Themes: The show explores complex themes such as loyalty, family, and the criminal justice system, making it a thought-provoking watch.

  5. Excellent Production Values: The show has high production values, including great cinematography,