Sienna Miller spoke about hard times of her life
Promoting the series “Anatomy of a Scandal” which she recorded for Netflix, Sienna Miller gave an interview, in which she spoke candidly about many things.

Promoting the series “Anatomy of a Scandal” which she recorded for Netflix, Sienna Miller gave an interview, in which she spoke candidly about many things. She touched on even some of the most intimate decisions, but also the scandalous relationship with Jude Law, who rudely cheated on her as a young girl.
Sienna Miller is the star of the new Netflix drama series Anatomy of a Scandal, whose premiere is scheduled for April 15. The blonde actress interprets the character of the wife of a prominent politician who is on trial for sexually abusing his assistant.
In an interview, Sienna admitted that this role was an intimate challenge for her because it brought her back to one of the most difficult periods in her life - when her then-boyfriend, actor Jude Law, publicly humiliated her by cheating on her before the eyes of the whole world.
She said that if anyone knows how that character felt, it was her. The actress also said that she was madly in love with Jude, but that she was still at the beginning of her career at the time and did not know how to deal with his adulterous nature.
She admitted she was so much in love that she felt like she lives in some parallel universe. That’s why she couldn’t see his true colors.
"The woman I'm interpreting is trying to understand that her husband may not be the man she thought he was. I knew right away that Jude was a person I couldn't trust, even though I was blind with love at the beginning of our relationship," Sienna said.
The British IT girl has never spoken so honestly about her turbulent relationship with Jude Law, with whom she was in a relationship for several years when he was "caught" in the arms of another woman in 2005. Recall, Sienna left him a year later, and the reason for her silence was also the one that she obviously couldn't get over because she reconciled with him in 2009. But, they didn't succeed that time either, and in the end, they decided to break up.
Discussing the new role, the actress also revealed her well-kept secret. Namely, as she admitted, shortly after her 40th birthday, which she celebrated last December, she froze her eggs because she wants to have another child. Her daughter Marlowe, whom she got in a relationship with actor Tom Sturridge, is now nine years old.
"I felt the pressure of time. My biological clock is ticking, and I wouldn't want to be left with just one child. It may never happen, but I wanted to make sure. Time is really not on a woman's side," the actress explained her decision. One of her most honest interviews so far, Sienna Miller ended with the statement that she has never been happier.
"I like the peace of my current life. There is less anxiety and running after some things that are irrelevant. In the meantime, I realized the true values, and those are my friendships, my child, and, finally, trying to be happy", concluded Sienna.