Subtle signs that your relationship is not working

One of the most common warning signs is that your partner never posts shared photos on social media - which can mean he doesn't want people to know you're together.

Dec 14, 2021 - 15:38
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Subtle signs that your relationship is not working

Single people have become more ‘picky’ about their potential partners after the pandemic, a liaison expert says - insisting they are now even more concerned about ‘warning signs’ that could lead to a break-up.

These warning signs include watching too much television, which could indicate you're running out of conversation, says Tina Wilson, a British relationship expert and founder of Wingman.

Tina has revealed ‘less obvious’ warning signs that your relationship will not work in the long run which are not wise to ignore.

1. You don't take photos together

Either you are not taking photos together or you are the only one proposing moments that you would immortalize together. 

Pink flag: 'A man you like may not like to be photographed, but it's not bad to check his social media profiles - do they post photos regularly and what's on them? Are they hiding your existence from their friends and acquaintances? '

Red Flag: ‘Their Instagram feed is flooded with photos, but you’re nowhere to be found or worse, they’re photographing food on your date, but they’re not tagging you. It is clear that they do not want people to know about you ... Move on! '

2. You are just one of the options

Pink Flag:  “Things are going well, but you still have to talk ’to define your relationship and wonder why and when it will happen. Is something holding you back from this topic? This is another warning sign that things are not as they should be.

Red Flag:  ‘A big warning sign is when you realize that you are not the only one, that the person you are with has someone else on the side they hold as an option if things don’t turn out the way they wanted. Know your worth and don't be an extra in the movie of your life. ' 

3. ‘Bombarding’ you with gifts

Your new partner will be obsessively focused on you and will do everything they can to make you feel like a king/queen with plenty of their attention.

Pink flag: 'Your new partner showers you with flowers, words of love, endless gifts, and lavish travels - is it really romantic, but a little too fast?'

Red Flag: ‘After a love bombardment, they suddenly fall silent for a while before reappearing with gifts and love statements. Similar to ‘ghosting’, but with a key difference in behavior during those weeks or months you spent together ’. 

- There is nothing to stop you from rejecting 'love bombarding', but if you notice obsessive behavior right at the beginning of a relationship it could lead you to take a step back and think carefully about the intentions of the man you are seeing - says Tina. 

4. You are there 'just in case'

They keep you in suspense until they make sure you are really the person they want to be with. 

Pink flag: “You’ve been in a relationship for a few months, but your new partner hasn’t introduced you to his friends and family yet, it could be a sign that you’re‘ on thin ice ’. 

Red Flag: 'If you've taken the first step and you've already introduced them to your friends and family, but they have yet to introduce you to theirs, you may be in two different emotional stages.'

- Don't rush them if they haven't come to that point in a relationship yet, but it could mean they're not sure about you. Do you want to waste time with someone who is not sure about your future together - Tina asked.

5. Your relationship is slowly fading

These are the moments when you feel that the communication between you is not what it used to be, and day by day you have fewer and fewer common topics. It is a clear sign that the relationship is losing its meaning.

Pink Flag: 'Have calls, messages, and appointments for dates become less frequent? It could be a sign that your relationship is slowly fading and potentially entering a phase of stagnation, where one of you will completely stop reacting to the other '.

Red Flag: 'If you find out that you are the one trying to arrange meetings, dinners, and outings, and that the other side is mostly following or not following - that is a clear sign that it is time to move on.' 

- If you are someone who needs to clarify with your partner that the relationship is over, pay attention to these signs and talk to your partner before the communication completely disappears between you - he advises. 

6. Most of your dates are in front of the television

It may seem romantic to cuddle in front of the TV with a glass of wine, but watch out for warning signs.

Pink Flag: 'You've gone too far with Netflix, and while watching the series together can be fun, overdoing it with spending time together means you're not really having fun with each other or showing interest in each other.'

Red Flag: When you go out on a date and your conversation revolves around movies and series or you find you don’t have a lot in common. That is a straight line forward towards the catastrophe - Tina explains.