Tag: Brangelina

Angelina Jolie is battling a rare disease

Photo Credits: Ververidis Vasilis / Shutterstock.com

Angelina Jolie is battling a rare disease

Angelina Jolie, as an accomplished actress, shines in world blockbusters, but fe...

Angelina Jolie's nanny revealed everything!

Photo Credits: Getty Images

Angelina Jolie's nanny revealed everything!

FAR FROM THE IDEAL PARENT: The nanny who worked for Angelina revealed her true f...

Brad Pitt can't see the children again: The judge has been removed from the case and his decisions are no longer valid

Photo Credits: Mario Anzuoni / Stringer / Reuters / PIXSELL

Brad Pitt can't see the children again: The judge has b...

The former dream couple became angry opponents. Their child custody trial is not...