The Greasy Strangler (2016)

The Greasy Strangler is a 2016 black comedy horror film directed by Jim Hosking. The movie follows the lives of Ronnie (Michael St. Michaels) and his son Brayden (Sky Elobar), who run a disco walking tour in Los Angeles. However, things take a strange turn when a greasy serial killer starts terrorizing the city.

Apr 11, 2023 - 18:51
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The Greasy Strangler (2016)

Plot Summary

The movie centers around Ronnie and Brayden, who have a strained relationship due to Ronnie's odd behavior and love for greasy food. However, their bond is tested when they both fall in love with a woman named Janet (Elizabeth De Razzo). Meanwhile, a greasy serial killer, who is covered head-to-toe in grease, is on the loose in the city, murdering people in bizarre ways. As the tension builds, Ronnie becomes a prime suspect in the investigation, leading to a shocking and hilarious conclusion.


The Greasy Strangler has a unique visual style that blends together elements of horror, comedy, and surrealism. The movie features an over-the-top use of bright colors and outlandish costumes, which adds to its quirky and absurd nature. The special effects used to create the greasy killer are both gruesome and humorous, making it a memorable aspect of the film.


The movie touches on various themes, including the father-son relationship, the need for love and acceptance, and the dangers of obsession. The characters in the movie are all eccentric and flawed, making them relatable and entertaining to watch. The film also explores the dark side of humanity and the lengths people will go to satisfy their desires.

Cast and Characters

Michael St. Michaels delivers an unforgettable performance as Ronnie, a middle-aged man who is obsessed with greasy food and has a habit of stripping down to his underwear. Sky Elobar portrays Brayden, a socially awkward young man who struggles to assert himself. Elizabeth De Razzo plays Janet, the love interest of both Ronnie and Brayden. The three actors have great chemistry together and bring a unique charm to their characters.

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The Greasy Strangler is a bizarre and entertaining movie that is sure to leave a lasting impression. Its unique visual style, quirky characters, and dark humor make it a cult classic among horror and comedy fans. We believe that our article provides comprehensive and detailed information about the movie that will help you outrank your competition. We hope that it meets your expectations and wish you the best of luck in your SEO endeavors.