The Lost City (2022)

"The Lost City" is a 2022 adventure-comedy film directed by Aaron and Adam Nee and starring Channing Tatum, Sandra Bullock, and Daniel Radcliffe. The film follows a popular romance author named Susan (Bullock) who is kidnapped by a villainous treasure hunter (Radcliffe) and taken to a remote jungle in search of a fabled city of gold. Along the way, she teams up with a hapless cover model named Frank (Tatum) to escape the clutches of their captor and find their way home.

Apr 23, 2023 - 20:06
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The Lost City (2022)

Plot Summary:

The movie begins with Susan (Sandra Bullock), a successful romance novelist who has grown tired of the predictability of her own stories. In an effort to shake things up, she agrees to go on a book tour in Honduras, where she is kidnapped by a treasure hunter named Nardole (Daniel Radcliffe). Nardole believes that Susan holds the key to finding the lost city of Zaka, which is said to be filled with riches beyond imagination.

Susan is taken to the jungle and forced to decipher a map that will lead Nardole to the lost city. Along the way, she meets Frank (Channing Tatum), a cover model who is also being held captive by Nardole. Together, Susan and Frank team up to outwit Nardole and find their way back to civilization.

Key Themes:

The movie explores several key themes, including the dangers of idolizing fictional characters, the power of storytelling, and the importance of teamwork.


Sandra Bullock delivers a strong performance as Susan, bringing a sense of wit and vulnerability to the character. Channing Tatum is equally impressive as Frank, playing up his character's goofiness and charm. Daniel Radcliffe is a scene-stealer as Nardole, portraying the character with a sinister glee that is both menacing and hilarious.

Direction and Cinematography:

Aaron and Adam Nee's direction is lively and energetic, capturing the spirit of the adventure-comedy genre. The cinematography is also impressive, with the lush jungle setting providing a striking backdrop for the action.

Humor and Action:

"The Lost City" strikes a good balance between humor and action, with plenty of laughs and thrilling set pieces. The movie is at its best when it leans into its more absurd moments, such as when Frank and Susan stumble upon a tribe of cannibals.

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"The Lost City" is a fun and entertaining adventure-comedy that is sure to appeal to fans of the genre. With strong performances from its talented cast and lively direction from the Nee brothers, it is a movie that is easy to enjoy. While it may not break any new ground, it is a satisfying and enjoyable romp that is well worth watching.