The New PS Exclusive for PC Available on Torrents Days After Premiere!
The exclusive from the PlayStation console has finally arrived on PCs.

Sony has surprised all fans of video games who play on computers with the new game, and it is Days Gone.
Although their games were exclusively reserved for the PlayStation console, Sony decided to release some of their titles for computers as well.
So first came the video game Horizon Zero Dawn, which did great with PC audiences despite the fact that it was not the best optimized, and it took a long time until PlayStation Studio fixed all the problems, and now it's Days Gone's turn.
Numerous gamers immediately reported that the game is in really great condition, that it looks much better than the PlayStation console version as the PC can have a much stronger configuration.
In addition, to support the 4K resolution, there is a stable 60 frames per second, which the PlayStation 4 version did not have since they were simply "nailed" to having only 30 FPS. The PC version also has support for ultra-wide monitors, an increased level of detail, and a wider field of view, but that's why it lacks options such as DLSS upscaling and ray-traced lighting, which are not as necessary, especially for weaker computers.
By: Nitza - Gossip Whispers