The Perfection (2018)

The Perfection is a psychological horror thriller film directed by Richard Shepard and released in 2018. The movie features two gifted cellists, Charlotte (Allison Williams) and Lizzie (Logan Browning), who reunite after years of separation. They embark on a tour to China, and on their journey, they encounter a series of bizarre events that challenge their perceptions of reality. The movie is known for its plot twists and turns, which leave the audience in a state of shock. In this article, we will explore the plot, characters, and themes of The Perfection.

Apr 15, 2023 - 17:35
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The Perfection (2018)


The movie begins with Charlotte, a former cello prodigy, leaving her music school to take care of her mother, who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. After her mother's death, Charlotte seeks out her former music school, where she reunites with her former mentor, Anton (Steven Weber), who runs a music academy for gifted cellists. Charlotte meets Lizzie, a young cellist who has been hailed as the next big thing in classical music. The two women develop a bond and plan a trip to China to perform together.

On their journey, Charlotte and Lizzie experience a series of bizarre events that challenge their perceptions of reality. They both fall sick with food poisoning and wake up in a strange village where they are confronted with a terrifying and surreal ritual. After this, the movie takes a shocking turn, and the audience is left questioning what they have just witnessed.


Allison Williams plays the character of Charlotte, a talented cellist who had to leave her music school to take care of her mother. Charlotte is a complex character who has experienced trauma and has been forced to confront her past. Throughout the movie, she is on a journey of self-discovery, trying to understand her motivations and confront her fears.

Logan Browning plays Lizzie, a young and gifted cellist who is poised to become the next big thing in classical music. Lizzie is confident and ambitious, but as the movie progresses, we see that there is more to her character than meets the eye. Browning delivers a powerful performance, and her chemistry with Allison Williams adds depth to their relationship.

Steven Weber plays Anton, the mentor of Charlotte and Lizzie. Anton is a controlling and manipulative character who uses his power and influence to shape the lives of those around him. Weber delivers a chilling performance, and his character adds tension and suspense to the movie.


The Perfection explores several themes, including trauma, power, and control. The movie examines how traumatic experiences can shape a person's life and how they can impact their relationships with others. Charlotte's traumatic past is a central theme of the movie, and we see how it affects her behavior and decisions throughout the film.

Power and control are also significant themes in The Perfection. Anton is a character who uses his power and influence to control the lives of those around him. His actions have far-reaching consequences, and the movie explores the destructive effects of such behavior.

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The Perfection is a gripping and intense thriller that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The movie features powerful performances by Allison Williams, Logan Browning, and Steven Weber, and the plot twists and turns are sure to leave viewers shocked and stunned. The film explores themes of trauma, power, and control, and it offers a thought-provoking commentary on the human experience. If you're a fan of psychological horror thrillers, The Perfection is a must-watch.