May 8, 2022 - 18:53
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Experts have linked different personality types to the way they hold their phones.

Have you ever thought that the way you hold your smartphone can reveal a lot about you?

This is the basis of the work of Healy Marshall, a body language expert who has partnered with Buymobiles based in the UK to compile a list of the most common positions and types of people who use them.

From the standard one-handed grip to the attention-grabbing horizontal grip, there are a variety of ways to hold the phone and the features associated with it.

Assertiveness - holding the phone with both hands and writing messages with both thumbs

People who write messages with two thumbs show that they don't have time to waste, says Hili. They probably work in a very demanding sector and have the ability to process multiple thoughts at once. This type of person also shows an element of adaptability and assertiveness and probably has a high level of energy.

Discipline - holding the phone with both hands and writing messages with one thumb

Those who hold the phone with both hands and use one thumb to write are probably cautious, disciplined, proactive, and methodical in their approach to life, claims Healy. Their attention to detail is unrivaled, and they are down-to-earth and reliable. Others will often ask them for help because they know how to listen and always scratch under the surface to offer practical advice.

Self-confidence - holding the phone with one hand and maneuvering with the thumb of the same hand

Those who hold their phone with only one hand are usually much safer, more relaxed, and carefree, Healy said. They take risks and often reap the rewards. At the same time, they are energetic and at times a little reckless, but also fun to the people around them. However, the tendency to hurry without much attention to detail can sometimes get them into trouble, warns the expert.

Seek attention - hold the phone horizontally

"Those who hold their phones horizontally are looking for attention with a great sense of self-importance," says Healy. She added that they often move around the same place, hoping that others will interact with them.

Creativity - holding the phone with one hand and writing messages with the index finger of the other

This way of holding the phone is usually used by older generations whose thumbs are no longer so mobile. They often acquired wisdom through maturity, do not rush, and are not hasty.

Writing messages in this way also means being an active, creative person who easily rejects other people's criticism.