THEY DECEIVED US, IS MARILYN ALIVE? 'She is kept in a polyclinic in Switzerland'
The still-unexplained death of Marilyn Monroe at the age of 36 will remain the subject of various speculations and conspiracy theories.

A favorite actress of the time and one of the greatest sex symbols to date, Marilyn Monroe, was found dead at her home in Brentwood, California on August 5, 1962 ( there is information that she died on August 4 so we don’t know the exact date).
Although the official cause of death is suicide, there are a handful of conspiracy theories surrounding her death. Given that Marilyn has been filmed smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol several times, and opiates were no stranger to her, it’s not hard to believe the official cause of death and the possibility that she simply overdosed.
On the other hand, the married couple Francesco Mari and Elisabetta Bertol, well-known researchers of unsolved mysteries, put an end to these allegations by claiming that it is not possible that Marilyn committed suicide for several reasons.
Studying the findings and obituaries, they came across too many illogicalities and decided to write a book about it. ' Where was the glass from which she drank the water with the alleged 47 pills she swallowed? ', ' Why the coroner did not find any traces and remnants of these same pills in her stomach at autopsy ', are the two most interesting questions.
The theory that Marilyn Monroe was killed by the Secret Service because she was the mistress of John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert is extremely popular.
This is supported by the posthumous confession of former CIA officer Norman Hodges. He then stated that he worked as a 'professional cleaner' and that Marilyn Monroe was the only woman he had liquidated on the orders of the US government. There are also those who claim that Marilyn was killed by the Kennedy brothers personally because she threatened to reveal dirty sexual secrets - theirs, but also other politicians she slept with.
Jeanne Carmen, who claims to have been her friend, later claimed that Monroe was dating both of them, even though she only loved Robert. Carmen also believes that at least one of the two is responsible for her death.
Marilyn Monroe was an American film actress, singer, model, and pop icon, at one time also a Golden Globe winner for Best Leading Actress.
She was known for her comedic skills, so she became one of the biggest movie stars of the 1950s and early 1960s, as well as a cultural and fashion icon.
Towards the end of her career, she turned to more serious roles. However, at the time, she was facing disappointments in her career and personal life. The still-unexplained death of Marilyn Monroe at the age of 36 will always remain the subject of various speculations and conspiracy theories.
Marilyn Monroe is still alive and residing in this European country?
Recently a new theory has surfaced that the Hollywood diva could still be alive.
According to the mentioned theory, the real Marilyn Monroe was "kidnapped" under the influence of sedatives by people who worked for the then President of the United States, John Kennedy, and moved to Switzerland where she was placed in a private, well-guarded clinic. During her recovery at the polyclinic, the actress met Dr. Lob, a widower with three sons, whom she married after treatment and stayed to live with him in this idyllic European country.
In the 1970s, Dr. Lob passed away, but Marilyn is reportedly still alive, in good health, and enjoying old age, surrounded by grandchildren, more specifically the children of her adopted sons, according to the latest theory.
Of course, the biggest problem with the credibility of this theory is the fact that there is no meaningful evidence that could indicate that any of the above is true.
Recall, if the Hollywood diva is truly alive, she would celebrate her 95th birthday this year just like Britain’s Queen Elizabeth she once met at the Royal Palace in London.
By: Olivia J. - Gossip Whispers