What Are AHA And BHA Acids And Why You Should Add Them To Your Beauty Routine?

Feb 9, 2022 - 12:07
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What Are AHA And BHA Acids And Why You Should Add Them To Your Beauty Routine?

Revitalize your skin with the help of powerful AHA and BHA acids recommended by all beauty experts. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) are mild acids included in a variety of home remedies to help fight acne, oily skin, and clogged pores.

Although many of us remember these acids from „Sex and the city“ where Samantha Jones puts earrings in front of a mirror with a damaged face after a chemical peel. These acids are not that intense when they are used properly.
Alpha hydroxy acids are most commonly used for clogged pores, rosacea, and dry skin. AHA acids are also called fruit acids, and the most famous are: glycolic (obtained from sugar cane), malic (obtained from apples), citric (obtained from citrus fruits), and lactic (obtained from sour milk). They're good for practically all skin types and can be found in facial cleansers, masks, and moisturizers.

Salicylic, beta hydroxy acid helps to remove dead cells from the skin, clean clogged pores, and has an antiseptic impact while also reducing inflammatory processes. Therefore, it's an excellent ingredient for oily and acne-prone skin. This acid can be also found in facial cleansing products, particularly those designed to treat acne, as well as masks and lotions.
Precautions and method of application

Concentration, frequency of use, and preparation should all be considered when using highly active compounds. When it comes to concentration, it's best to start with a low dosage. Five percent for AHA and one percent for BHA.
The concentration can be gradually increased to ten percent for AHA and two percent for BHA, depending on the need and reaction of the skin. This process requires patience and a balance between tolerance and efficiency should always be sought. Acids are always introduced progressively in terms of frequency. They are applied once a day in the evening on normal skin, but every other evening on sensitive skin.

Every four weeks, the intensity can be increased. It is a maximum of twice a day, but it should take at least a few months of adaption, and often longer. Finally, the preparation or formulation should be taken into consideration.
If the product is also formulated with antioxidants and soothing compounds, it can help the product's tolerability. You should never combine multiple products with acids without first visiting a professional since this appears to be a common source of irritation. Acids can occasionally be found in skincare products, so keep that in mind.