What Is Special About Tulips?

Mar 20, 2022 - 10:16
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What Is Special About Tulips?

Tulips, who hasn't heard of them? It is even possible that you have grown them once or that you are a collector. These flowers have captivated people for thousands of years.

These are small plants, but with a beauty that is hard to describe. The shape and color of the petals vary depending on the species, and especially on the variety, which man has artificially created.

The tulip is a bulb that is native to Asia, not the Netherlands, contrary to common assumption. It grows in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iran, and China, to be specific. Several species are European, and they reside in the Old Continent's south. Tulip is the botanical genus to which it belongs, according to botanist Carlos Linneo.

There are more than 100 separate species, but there are many more hybrids and variations. So much so that pinpointing it is tough. However, they all share a number of traits, including:

Bulbs: they are about 3 centimeters high, and the base is the widest. It grows underground and has relatively short roots. In the spring, leaves, and flowers sprout on it, which dry up after flowering.

Leaves: more or less bluish-green, and elongated with a pointed end. They are about 10 centimeters long and 2-3 centimeters wide.

Flores : they are hermaphrodites and usually appear in groups of up to 3. They have a fluttery shape and can be very diverse in colors: orange, red, lilac, white, pink.

Fruits : these are dry capsules that open into shells. They contain small, flat, and brown seeds.

How long does a tulip flower last?

If you replace the water every day, a cut flower may last for around 10 days in a vase. If you leave it in the plant, though, it will last around two months. In any event, if the petals are beginning to turn pink and fall off, you can remove them.

What to do when the tulip finishes flowering?

After flowering, you have two options: cut off the stem and bury the bulb in a pot or in the ground, or remove it and keep it in a dry, dark area until the next winter, when it will be replanted.

How many times a year do tulips bloom?

In the spring, there was only one. Tulips have the ability to generate many blossoms in a single season. However, because the aerial component (leaves, flowers) has a short lifespan, we should not anticipate it to blossom twice or more every year, as this will not happen.