After his release from prison, Bill Cosby plans to shoot a five-part documentary series about his life and work!

After nearly three years behind bars, notorious sexual predator  Bill Cosby, a comedian, and musician by profession has returned home and now plans to shoot a five-part documentary series about his life and work with his wife Camilla.

Jul 9, 2021 - 08:23
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After his release from prison, Bill Cosby plans to shoot a five-part documentary series about his life and work!

After nearly three years behind bars, notorious sexual predator  Bill Cosby, a comedian, and musician by profession has returned home and now plans to shoot a five-part documentary series about his life and work with his wife Camilla, the television producer with whom he spent his life. He's expecting a return to the theater scene as soon as possible, as he recently stated. After the Supreme Court overturned Cosby’s final verdict for sexual exploitation and abuse, the legendary dad from the ‘Cosby Show’ series now aims to wash the stain off his name as much as possible for life. And if at all possible.

Because as many as sixty women brought extremely serious charges against him for rape, sexual abuse, drugging, assault, and sexual exploitation of minors over a very long period of time - from the mid-1960s until 2008. However, all but one of these charges could not be prosecuted ex officio for various reasons, except for the case of former basketball player Andrea Constand, which ultimately cost him prison. In September 2018, he was sentenced to three to ten years in prison for sexual assault, a sentence recently overturned by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Mark Whitaker, the author of the biography ‘Cosby: His Life and Times', was the first to write about Cosby’s double life. He described in some detail his nature as a sexual predator who in his spare time preferred to party and change mistresses, instead of helping his wife in the house around their five children. One of his best friends was the late Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy, in whose villa topless beauties were constantly paraded, drugs were available at every turn, and alcohol flowed in streams. The legendary comedian, in fact, was also a top musician, a drummer, and Hefner used his acting fame to promote his jazz festival, which Cosby led for years.

Namely, these videos went viral during the heyday of videos on Internet portals and social networks and encouraged many Cosby victims to publicly speak out against their abuser and file charges.

Among them was Janice Dickinson, 66, a former supermodel, who was the first to react after his release from prison.

"I am disgusted and upset because something like this is possible in our country," said the model, furious at the legal tricks and procedural errors that led to the actor's lawyers acquitting him. The years in prison did not seem to hurt the embarrassed actor: he was released calm and confident, with a slight smile in the corner of his mouth, and sat in a white limousine where he was greeted by two men.

The almost blind Cosby now faces the final battle to get the public to look at the truth through his point of view. Whether he will succeed in this and remain recorded in history as one of the greatest black comedians in the history of Hollywood or we will eventually remember him as an insatiable lecher who did not hesitate to drag the girls, his victims, to bed remains to be seen.

After all, who knows, maybe the ultimate goal of Cosby's author's documentary is not to iron out the image - but to confront the truth in front of the cameras in order to protect himself from further criminal prosecution in his later years in the end. But no one who really knows him believes in such a scenario.

By: Amber V. - Gossip Whispers