Alessandra Ambrosio caught in a bikini!
Famous model Alessandra Ambrosio has been considered one of the most beautiful women for years, and ladies all over the world admire her appearance

Famous model Alessandra Ambrosio has been considered one of the most beautiful women for years, and ladies all over the world admire her appearance. We could usually see her on the front pages of the magazine, where she looks perfect and "ironed" thanks to Photoshop.
Yet even the most handsome beauty in the world has imperfections. She was photographed by paparazzi while enjoying herself on the beach in Miami, and the camera lens noticed all the flaws on her body.
Just like almost every other woman, Alessandra has cellulite and sagging skin on her stomach, and some stretch marks.
The photos traveled the world at the speed of light, and there were a lot of comments. There were also the negative ones, but we want to look at the encouraging ones. Those who say that perfection does not exist and that what is served to us on social networks is not a real and realistic picture.
Each of us has some wrinkles, cellulite somewhere, or a few extra pounds, but that's quite ok. Imperfections are what differentiate us and give each of us that uniqueness.
People were saying that even tho she has cellulite, she is still one of the most beautiful ladies out there! Many were happy that these photos came out, they said young girls can understand that it is impossible to always look at your best and that having imperfections is perfectly fine and normal!
We are also happy to see that the public started to understand how bad body shaming is. A lot of people, especially celebrities suffered so much since social media platforms gave us these fake beauty standards, that confuse all of us.
Women tend to be harsh toward themselves, and it’s really refreshing to see this famous beauty enjoying herself like nobody is watching. We want to see more pictures and public acceptance like this!