Army of Thieves: Does the world need a new zombie franchise?
As long as there's an army of teenage geeks, Zack Snyder doesn’t have to fear for his job

Does the world really need another Zack Snyder franchise? After the trilogy about Batman and Superman, which he first blew up for Warner, and with the help of obsessive fans, he somehow got away with it, now he has cashed it all in well with a fat two-year contract with Netflix.
He is creating a new film universe, only this time it is not superheroes, but zombies.
And as long as there's an army of teenage geeks, Snyder doesn’t have to fear for the job. No matter how bad his movies are, they will watch them. His last year’s film, “Army of the Dead,” in which robbers go to rob a Las Vegas casino full of zombies, was watched by 75 million people, and that was enough to immediately order at least two more movies and a cartoon even.
"Army of Thieves" is a prequel, that follows the old adventures of safe burglar Ludwig Dieter (moderately entertaining Matthias Schweighofer ) before ending up with the others in the zombie hell of Las Vegas. Schweighofer also directed the film and made a solid, but by no means special heist film, which, if it were not under Snyder's umbrella, would have gone unnoticed. This way, they will surely beat the clicks, and that is enough to make at least two more films.
Once upon a time, Snyder promised a lot, and his debut, the remake of “Dawn of the Living Dead,” burst with energy and interesting visual style. It's a pity that the "Army" franchise is already drowning in mediocrity at the beginning, and even this sequel, despite Schweighofer's obvious talent, doesn't stand out from the gray. It’s a movie we’ve watched a hundred times already, about the globetrotter adventures of a sympathetic gang of criminals with a heart, that will keep your attention while you watch, and you won’t remember anything about it tomorrow. Just maybe the lovely Nathalie Emmanuel in the supporting role.
By: Amber V. - Gossip Whispers